Thursday, May 24, 2007

Bush Speak, or We're gonna party like it's 1984!

Just when you thought that he could not get anymore unhinged, Bush comes out and says that critics of the phrase 'war on terror' are "naive." No, seriously, it's true. You can go to Think Progress and read their post about.

Let's recap things here shall we? You are naive if you don't use the phrase war on terror, you support the terrorists if you speak out against the war, you are an Al Qaeda operative if you do not support the Idiot in Chief 100 percent in his crazed crusade to steal the oil in Iraq and to convert the Iraqi's and Afghani's to Jeebus. Okay, have we had enough yet? Can we stick a fork in this administration and call it done?

Why the hell would anyone listen to anything this idiot says anymore? Or for that matter anything anyone connected to his administration says?

Let's recap once more shall we?

  • Bush Jr has repeatedly claimed that their was a connection between Saddam and 9/11.

  • Dickhead Cheney, the man who shot in friend in the face and outed a CIA operative, told us that the insurgency was in it's last throes years ago.

  • Don Rumsfeld said the war would not last 6 months.

  • Colin Powell told us that Saddam was trying to get yellow cake uranium from Africa.

  • Condi claimed she did not read memos from the Clinton White House that warned of a Bin Laden attack on America.

  • George "Medal O' Freedom" Tennent said it was a "slam dunk" that Saddam had WMDs.

  • Dougie Feith just fucking lied about everything.

  • Alberto Gonzalez forgot everything, except how to hassle a man on his sick bed.

What possible explanation could there be for all this deception, madness, and out right lies? Why would Bush and his team do such nefarious things to us and the rest of the world? Why does he hate the truth? Why does he hate us so much? Why? Why? Why?

Oh. Okay. Got it.


Dr. Zaius said...

Ha! I can't believe he said that!

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

I'm past the point of being shocked anymore by what the idiot says. Our lady La Pelosi needs to put impeachment on the table and quick.

Pam said...


Anyone who believes them is an idiot or a kool-aid drinker. Or both.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Pam if you were not already married...