Sunday, April 29, 2007


Well, well, does it surprise anyone that most of the aid offered by other countries in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina was spurned by our Idiot in Chief and his cronies? Instead of doing what normal people or organizations would have done, which is take the money with many words of thanks, they turned it down.

From the Washington Post:
As the winds and water of Hurricane Katrina were receding, presidential confidante Karen Hughes sent a cable from her State Department office to U.S. ambassadors worldwide.
Titled "Echo-Chamber Message" -- a public relations term for talking points designed to be repeated again and again -- the Sept. 7, 2005, directive was unmistakable: Assure the scores of countries that had pledged or donated aid at the height of the disaster that their largess had provided Americans "practical help and moral support" and "highlight the concrete benefits hurricane victims are receiving."

Okay, we'll buy that (wink wink) Karen Hughes says America is grateful for the aid. But wait hang on, if she said that then what is the truth?

They knew the U.S. government was turning down many allies' offers of manpower, supplies and expertise worth untold millions of dollars. Eventually the United States also would fail to collect most of the unprecedented outpouring of international cash assistance for Katrina's victims.

So as usual, the truth is the exact opposite of what the bush jr cabal says it is. Okay. We get it. So what happened to all that money?

Allies offered $854 million in cash and in oil that was to be sold for cash. But only $40 million has been used so far for disaster victims or reconstruction, according to U.S. officials and contractors. Most of the aid went uncollected, including $400 million worth of oil. Some offers were withdrawn or redirected to private groups such as the Red Cross. The rest has been delayed by red tape and bureaucratic limits on how it can be spent.

Here's an idea, let's cut the red tape. free up that cash and let's get neighborhoods rebuilt. Lets get the rightful citizens of New Orleans, and you know who I mean, the African-American ones, the poor ones, the ones who made that city what it was, back and rebuild their homes and lives. Let's use that money to rebuild neighborhood businesses or to build some where none were before, screw letting Wal Mart in there to build more store or Starbucks or Target. Let's use that money to rebuild schools, roads, and the fucking levees in New Orleans.

Damn you bush, damn you Karen Hughes, damn you Chertof, damn you all for bungling rebuilding New Orleans. You had the money, you had the support of the American people, you had the support of the world community, and you blew it.

Just like you blew it after 9/11.

Just like you are blowing the war on Iraq.

Thanks, thanks a whole fucking lot. You're all "doing a heck of a job!"


Evil Spock said...

Evil Spock wishes Evil Spock could help sooner, but legally Evil Spock can't run for POTUS until 2012.

Btw, noticed you linked us! Thanks. We've returned the favor. I was wondering how you found us?

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

We found evil spock through our good friend and fellow simian written blog Zaiusnation.