Saturday, April 28, 2007

Things you can do every damn day to piss off King George

Being impeachment Saturday and all we here at Monkey Muck HQ got to thinking about how cool would it be to do something everyday to piss off the jackals in power. We put our thinking caps on our little simian heads and we came up with the following list.

  1. Buy gas only at Citgo. The crude oil they make the gas from at your local Citgo station comes from Venezuela. And you know who is President of Venezuela. Plus, if you buy gas at Citgo, then the profits on that gas do not go to bush jr and his oily oil buddies.
  2. Eat organic or at the very least eat food grown without any pesticides, unnatural fertilizers, or chemicals. Monsanto, a horrid company that backs the Republican party, makes it's living by making horrible chemicals that are put on or in your food. If you eat organic then you are not helping Monsanto ruin our planet or make money.
  3. Recycle
  4. Do your part to help stem the tide of climate change. Use fluorescent light bulbs instead of incandescent, drive less, have your car or truck tuned up so as to maximize your usage of fuel.
  5. Get out and connect with one another and network for change.
  6. Write your congress people and tell them how you want them to vote, they work for you after all, not that other way around.
  7. Get off your dead asses and go vote when it's election time and encourage others to do the same.
  8. Stop shopping at big corporate stores like Wal Mart and Target. They all contribute to Republicans and big corporate assholes like Wal Mart and Target do not have your or your communities best interests at heart, they want only one thing, your money.
  9. Shop at locally owned businesses.
  10. Boycott businesses that advertise on FOX Comedy Channel.
  11. Write blogs and or support blogs and websites that oppose the greedy war mongering asses in DC.
  12. Volunteer in your community.
  13. Protest when and where you are able.
  14. Be truly patriotic and oppose any attempts to curtail our civil liberties.