Friday, November 11, 2011

Insufferable assholes on the loose

  • Ashton Kutcher- Really asshole? You're going to mourn the firing of a guy who enabled a child rapist? Then you're going to blame others for calling you on it? Hey, here's an idea Ashton, go make another shitty movie. Or go fuck your grandma Demi. And then go fuck yourself.
  • Joe Paterno- You're going to have to get used to not being a football coach, is that what you said? Are the kids who got raped by your coach going to have to get used to the fact that you didn't go to the police when you heard that monster raped them in your showers at Penn State? Yeah, I guess they'll have to get used to it. And they'll get used to having therapy because you helped cover for their rapist you old piece of shit.
  • Harold Camping- You poor doddering old fool you. You convinced people that your fairy tale god was coming back to earth and told them to quit their jobs so they could warn others by spreading your lies. Now you get to retire and you get off scot free. You should be forced to sell everything you own and to repay those idiots who followed your instructions. And then you should be beaten in the kidneys with a bag of oranges until you piss blood.
  • Me- Holy shit, I need to get off my high fucking horse, stop complaining, and start being the change I want to see in the world. Oh wait, hang on, the change I want to see is a wholesale reduction in the gene pool, which means I want to thin our herd of stupid shits and dumb fucks, so there goes most of the population of the earth. Oh well, it's a good thing I keep a tight rein on my desire to eliminate the ninnies and the twits.


Professor Chaos said...

I wonder if Camping's followers could sue him? Although I'm guessing they're the sort of "true believers" who wouldn't do anything against the great prophet.

Professor Chaos said...

P.S. Love the sly Devo reference.

Anonymous said...

I'd say they have a better chance of the suing the school districts that supposedly "educated" them.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

The only way to fight the madness is to survive the madness at this point. Be around long enough to contribute to the the post-Thunderdome world we are heading for. You are one of my mentors. I need your mind working for us and not against us. We don't just kill them, we scare them and that is the only way a criminal organization stops it's evil ways - through fear.

Margaret Benbow said...

Survive the madness: yes. And keep in mind that saying, "Don't let the bastards wear you down."

gmb said...

I think Cal's right. That said, I'd prefer a cage fight between "Rev" Camping and his followers. Let them take each other out. It's a win-win.