Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I just sent this letter to my idiot teabagger Congressman

"I respectfully request that you support raising taxes on the wealthiest citizens in this country so that we can get the economy moving again. Study after study has shown that raising taxes jump starts the economy and that cutting deficits in a recession hurts the economy. So I request that you vote to raise taxes to get America moving again and if you don't that you resign your office ASAP."

However I have my doubts if he'll do what I ask.


Professor Chaos said...

but. . .but. . . taxes bad! me no like tax!

Jim said...

The teabaggers are scumbags... they are more like Koch suckers. LOL
I ahve a tea party asshole in my district too. Adam Kinzinger (11th Dist. in Illinois) and cannot believe the people here voted for him over Debbie Halvorson.

Barbara Bruederlin said...

Maybe he'll send you an autographed picture.

ReaderRita said...

Yeah, an autographed picture! That's along the lines of what Reagan sent me when I sent him this sentiment, written on a paper plate: "Fashion- Turn to the Right" upon his election back in 1980...
I posted his response letter on the raised lid of my toilet seat. Unfortunately, no male friends were able to contain their desire to "mark" said letter, so it had to come down for the sake of hygiene.
I urge you to consider this decorating advice when you get your own "response"...