We had about 300 robins stop by our neighborhood the other day for a few hours. They ate a shitload of holly and nandina berries, shit all over our car, deck, and drive way, then they flew off to gawd knows where.
I guess it wasn't so bad though, it could have been worse. It could have been another fucking snow storm.
Funny shit! (No pun intended)
Keep up the good work on your site.
Well, a snow storm would have covered the bird shit, eh?
We had robins, too...but stopped counting after 100. Thank goodness they were all alive :-)
Those huge flocks of robins always freak me out. Where I grew up, we never saw more than a couple robins at a time -- I didn't realize they formed flocks in the winter until we moved to Georgia a few years ago.
Well they could have been Rebublican Robins.
A bird shit storm is always preferable a snow storm.
Coulda been geese. They are nasty and shit up a storm. That said, hope you got the car hosed off and the robins are coming back.
By the time they get here, we'll be so freakin starved for ANY sign of Spring that we'll start pointing and laughing hysterically while peeling off our parkas and running naked down the still-icy streets.
You know robins, when they get together it's just one big drunken debauch.
I always chuckle when I hear: "Ooh! Robin red-breast! First one of the Spring!"
"You know they don't hibernate or migrate, right?"
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