Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A Monkey Movie Report

I seriously liked this reboot of the Star Trek franchise:They kept everything that was good about Star Trek, the characters, the way they interact with one another, and the main broad brush strokes of the Star Trek universe, and they cut the cheesy crap out, and by cheesy crap I mean Shatner (Settle down Shatner lovers, your hero is way too old to be in these movies anymore and these days he's devolved into a parody of himself.) and the dated stuff that's boring and crappy.

The film is clever, exciting, and a joy to watch. If we're lucky every 30 or 40 years this franchise will get another reboot that's as good as this one. It'll do the franchise good to have it refashioned for each new generation.


PENolan said...

I still have an issue with this movie for fucking with the space time continuum. My kid keeps trying to tell me it didn't, but I don't understand how this movie could have gone the way it did and left Spock's mom intact to visit the Enterprise with Sarek during the first series. Or Sarek, for that matter. I can go along with having two Spocks, like Thing One and Thing Two. I just don't understand how both realities could exist simultaneously . . .

PENolan said...

Nevertheless, it was a great ride. I think I'll watch it AGAIN

Wings1295 said...

Great movie - The way a remake/reboot should be!

DrGoat said...

I liked it, but being and old fart, I'm sick of the max. 1-1/2 second camera shot with 6000 camera angle changes per minute, and the rotating around the actor camera shots.

GETkristiLOVE said...

Oh, and Nimoy isn't way too old...? I thought they should have thrown Shatner a bone of some sort. He could have done the voice over at the end... "These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise..." and it would have been cool and fitting.

Will said...

To me it was half a good movie. The Spock/Quinto stuff was great but why turn Kirk into Luke Skywalker. I kept expecting Nimoy to give Chris Pine his father's light sabre there on Hoth.

Even my best friend who loved this movie & saw it several times in the theater admits the 2nd half looks like it was produced by monkeys...his words.

I like my mindless entertainment as mush as the other guy but this but Trek means a lot to me and expect better.