Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The case of the disappearing front lawn

I know the excitement from the previous one was wearing off, so it's garden update time here on Monkey Muck! We made a space in the front yard to grow some watermelons and pumpkins. We did this by digging up some of the grass and laying a good thick layer of leaf mulch over it and then dumping a couple bags of topsoil over that. I transplanted some of the watermelon plants that were growing in one of the backyard beds, we moved them so we could plant corn in it's place, and I added some seeds in case the transplants don't make it. Watermelons are on the left and on the right I planted pumpkins. I also planted some Japanese egg plant seed around the front edge of the pumpkin mound.

The tomatoes and cukes that Sparky planted out front are looking good.

We've been enjoying the lettuce we planted but the spinach has been a disappointment. Sparky planted some onions in that bed and she's going to plant some lettuce seeds so that we can have more in a few weeks.
Potatoes, that's them in the right hand corner of the picture, are looking good.

My daikon radishes are growing like crazy. I pulled one today and it is delicious.
Our carrots are coming along nicely. We've almost gone through our first planting of onions, lucky for us we've replanted a slew of them. So we'll have many more to come in a few weeks.
I've had to stake all the tomatoes last week and I had to tie some of them again today because there has been so much growth in the past week. Our peas, squash, cabbage, and most everything else is taking off too.
Little soon to be tomatoes!
Squash blossoms!
And the potatoes and carrots that we're growing in containers are coming along swimmingly.

The herb garden is growing nicely and the two blueberry bushes that my friend Keith are coming along as well. Sparky is going to plant some red radish seeds, along with that lettuce I mentioned, and more cilantro.

And that's the way the garden grows, for now.


Logical Libby said...

I love fresh tomatoes. I am very envious of your skills.

Anonymous said...

I love daikon radishes. How do you prepare them? I make fresh Asian style pickles by marinating them in rice wine vinegar and sugar.

Wings1295 said...

Cool stuff, Doc! You have way more patience, gardening-wise, than I!

Blueberry said...

It's a wonderful yard!

Margaret Benbow said...

Now that is a beautiful, well-designed garden. The plants are bursting with health, and I love the brickwalk.

Barbara Bruederlin said...

What an absolutely lovely garden! You deserve all that veggie goodness!

gmb said...

Absolutely beautiful. And I hope you are eating those squash blossoms. Just clean carefully, remove the stamen, dip in flour (shake off excess) then dip in beaten egg (with a little milk). Place these beauties in a frying pan in which you have some butter. Fry until golden. Amazing. And you can also stuff the blossoms with fresh mozzarella first.