Thursday, April 22, 2010


There's a Facebook meme going around that many racists, teabaggers, and conservative Christians are using as their Facebook status, and if you have no idea what a Facebook status is them I suggest you get a life or go ask your kid to show you what Facebook is, and it goes something like this: "Dear God, This past year you took my favorite actress Farrah Fawcett, my favorite actor Patrick Swayze, and my favorite musician Michael Jackson. I just wanted to let you know that my favorite President is President Obama. Amen."

They think it's funny to call for the death of this country's first black President. And they get mad when you call them on it. They don't like their hate speech being pointed out to them. It makes them mad, mad enough to kill probably.

In addition to their racism this current 'joke' shows them to be once again, clueless stupid, ill informed Fox News loving idiots. This is true because if pressed they could not name one film their favorite actress has appeared in.
Other than the masturbation loop of her that plays in their spank banks.

As for their alleged favorite actor,
they only liked him, the males anyway, because he was in all their gay sex fantasies. They wanted Patrick to sweep them up in his strong arms the way he did Baby in Dirty Dancing. They dreamed of getting beaten up and then nursed back to health by his character from Road House. And now they dream of his ghost coming back and getting all jiggy with them like his ghost did in Ghost.

In reality they hated Michael Jackson.
They branded him a freak and a pedophile and they forbade his music from being played in their pick up trucks and trailers after he was found not guilty a few years ago.

Their favorite President was actually George W. Bush because he was just like them, conservative, belligerent, and stupid to the core.

Not that any of them read this blog but if any of them do, then I'd like to remind them, especially the Christians, that lying is a sin. That whole commandment about bearing false witness comes into play here.

Don't get me wrong folks, I'm not telling you to shut up, I'm using my freedom of speech to show how your bullshit is stupid, disingenuous, and against the religion you claim to be an adherent to.


Megan said...

Yeah one of my acquaintances "liked" that today and I was so downhearted for a minute or two. But then I remembered that I haven't seen her since 8th grade and I didn't really like her back then, anyway.

The posts all seem to be nothing but the creator of the group screaming for joy about how many people are joining the group. Great content, there, pal.

Wings1295 said...

Freedom of speech is fine, totally agree. They also made use of their Freedom to be hypocrital asswipes. Yay for them!

Kudos to you, Doc.

Cat said...

Preach it! I'm glad I'm Canadian and can watch and shake my head from a distance.

Nan said...

Yet another reason to be glad I'm an atheist.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

You and me both Nan.

SkylersDad said...

Well said sir.

MommyLisa said...

That just makes me sad. Why are they so full of HATE? I didn't like GW, but would have never posted something like that.

Logical Libby said...

Wow. And I thought I hated cut and paste status updates before.

Barbara Bruederlin said...

Some pea brain obviously thought that was the height of humour. Good for you for calling them on it.

Virginia Pickel said...

I always want to post a comment on those that say "The baby Jesus cries when you lie in your prayers."

My little atheist heart was uplifted when I saw one of my friends had joined this Facebook group though: United States Citizens Who Will Not Pray For A US President's Death.

Kulkuri said...

First saw that the other month when a friend posted the comment on facebook. He got slammed by several people(myself included) and then he took it down. It's a helluva note when a Born-Again Agnostic like me and Atheists have to tell Xians how to act Christlike!!