Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Equal Time with Maggie Q

"Veggie Man has nothing on me."


Life As I Know It Now said...

eat me!

SkylersDad said...


Anonymous said...

If we tied Boston Bibb lettuce to a naked animal and put it on the cover of some magazine PETA would freak out.

Anonymous said...

How come none of these women are wearing blocks of tofu? Us vegetarians don't just eat lettuce all day, y'know! ;-)

Cormac Brown said...

Oooh, lettuce cups and lettuce wraps...

ReaderRita said...

I know I'm a girl, but the notion of eating lettuce that's been on some girl's crotch does not make me want to be a vegetarian. Sorry. Obviously, you guys think otherwise.
But then, how would you guys feel if they put lettuce on Brett Favre's crotch?
Still want to eat it?
Crotch+food does not equate to a need to be vegetarian for me.
I don't like to think of anyone's genitals touching my food, thanks.
(Perhaps that's because I worked in restaurants for 20 years...)

Nathan said...

Hey, it's Mrs. Potato Head! She has a head made out of lettuce!