How will that new immigration law in Arizona affect you floral bikini lady?

"I'll have to hire Anglo Saxons to clean my pool, mow my lawn, and undress me with their eyes constantly. I'm not happy about it, but I guess I'll do it."
A Texas lawmaker said that President Obama is his god's punishment for the wickedness of this country, do you agree bondage barn lady?

"I'd be willing to bet his god and the god that the Westboro Baptists worship are one in the same. So if their god really wanted to punish us, he'd have let Bush McCain and Half Term Palin win in 2008."
Did you lose your razor huge bush woman?

"Yes. And I lost it after I started using Rogaine down there."
Has the volcano eruption in Iceland made life hard for you narcissistic woman?

"Iceland hasn't melted yet? Even after all this global warming? Holy shit, I guess Sean Hannity is right, Al Gore
is full of crap."
Haven't you heard that smoking is bad for you faux hippie lady?

"I'm smokin' with or without the cigarette. So it really doesn't mean shit to me monkey boy."
Have you seen my keys Miss Daisy?

"Yes. I found them but I'm not giving them back without a fight. I'll wrestle you for them. Let's get greased up and go two out of three falls for them. How's that sound?"
Nude model gal, is No Child Left Behind working?

"No children are coming out of my behind and that's final. What? Why are you looking at me like that? Not all answers make sense. Now go away so I can pose more. I mean it. Scram."
Interesting presentation there, Doc. Yeah.
Interesting presentation there, Doc. Yeah.
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