Can anyone tell me why Olivia Munn has to be naked in order for her and PETA to tell us that elephants should be free?

I'm all in on freeing all animals from circuses and theme parks but is seeing Olivia Munn getting naked and posing next to elephants the only way we'll all finally get off our fat asses and do something about things? And don't get me wrong, I'm all in on seeing Olivia Munn in the buff, I'm just not sure what her nakedness has to do with freeing Babar and his buddies.
Perhaps PETA has grown tired of attracting middle aged people who wear black socks with their Jerusalem cruiser sandals and they're trying for the teenage horn-dog market. If that's the case, then I guess PETA must have all the cash they'll ever need because those horny teens and twenty somethings aren't going to give donations like the pot bellied middle agers do.
Ah, who knows. PETA works in mysterious ways.
People for Endless Tits & Ass.
Well, its not working for me. Perhaps I would respond better to gorgeous naked men.
Perhaps I should return to Monkey Muck after the naked woman phase is over (if ever). The last dude you showed on here was toothless.
I'm betting that the "middle agers" don't have a problem with her being naked either! :P
Yeah, I actually have very little respect for PETA. I mean, I agree with them on principal but their methods of getting their message across has always left a bad taste in my mouth.
I wonder if that has anything to do with Olivia Munn... (I can't believe I just wrote that !!!)
Animals must be respected, damn it. Women can be objectified until the cows come home, willingly, of their own free will and not just because the farmer wants them to come home.
The way they use women in their advertisements is why I will never give to PETA, and I'm all for animal rights.
What elephants?
Not sure about boycotting the circus...... but I could clown around with her for awhile.
Scuse me, must go find out more about Kirby...
Yea, that's just weird. Maybe it's some twisted stretch on "the way nature intended..."
Nothing catches your attention quite like a naked person eh? LOL
I agree completely with Liberality and Sunshine. ie. PETA has hired people to actually bomb places where animals were used as test subjects. I agree that animals should not be used as test subjects in many cases, but killing people to get your message across? Um no.
And objectifying women in your ads is not the way to get other females to join your cause.
@Who you callin' housewife?- I saw an ad by PETA featuring lovely, muscley Jamie Bamber in the buff. But, the ad didn't make me want to be vegetarian, it made me stop watching Bamber in "Battlestar Galactica".
Solidarity with the elephants? Well, unless the elephants are made to wear robes or howdahs.
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