Tom Tancredo, former Congressman and former Republican party Presidential hopeful,
said that President Obama is hiding his real birth certificate to make the teabaggers look like they are 'nuts.'
Seriously Tom, President Obama doesn't need to do anything to make you and the teabaggers look like nuts. You folks do a great job of that on your own.

Now, shouldn't you and the rest of your teabagger crew head to Arizona so you can point out all the people with brown skin that need to be stopped by the cops? Or perhaps you can go protest all that wasteful Defense Department spending. Or better yet, take to the streets to call for an end to the wars of terror and occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan that caused our current deficit.
Or you can keep talking and showing the world what an idiot you are. It's your choice.
I can't LIVE with these people anymore! Seriously their idiocy and blatant racism make my blood boil.
I think all these idiot mouth breathers have chosen their pony and they are sticking with it no matter what. All we can do is re-open the Thunderdome and herd them all into it and be done with the whole group all at once.
I like the way you think Cal.
Why is Imelda Marcos there protesting?? She's as brown as can be!
So, wait...these teabaggers are actual people? We were thinking this was some crazy new comedy show out of the UK that spoofed Americans by making them look inconceivably retarded.
And I thought baby killing was just a hobby for Obama. I didn't realize he loves it.
I'm with Cal & Mnmom, but please Dr., don't send any more braindead Teabaggers to Arizona. We have more than our share!!
PS We are already starting to fight the state morons on that immigration law. 2 lawsuits from police officers down here in Tucson and more to come. The big cheese sheriff in Pima Co. has already said he's not enforcing that ignorant law so we're working on it.
You make me laugh. They make me cry.
I hope they follow your advice and "keep talking and show the world what idiots they are." It will hurt the Repubs in November for sure!
What I'm continually flummoxed by is the fact that the teagagger's supposed "REAL Americans" (read:white) are the freakin' interlopers in this country!
The "brown people" were here FIRST- THEY are the REAL Americans!!!
If anyone gets to kick anyone else out of this country, the Native Americans should get to do it...
(I suggest steel-toed boots.)
Is that first sign supposed to be some free-form poetry?
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