Hells yeah! I totally deserve this award that Samurai Frog gave me.:

(Seriously, I'm honored to have been chosen to receive this award. And I'm grateful for all the people who read this blog.)
I'd like to give this award to the following seven bloggers:
CDP because she sent me a kick ass drawing she did once and because she also makes me laugh with her stories about her husband and her kids.
K-Line because she's amazingly creative. She's a seamstress with the mostess and she's into all manner of design as well.
Lisa Golden because she's really getting creative on our asses, she's working on a novel in addition to her regular blogging and job hunting.
Blueberry because she's all about the music and movies and politics and family history and cats and Austin and...well you get the picture.
Godless Liberal Homo because he says the stuff most of us are too afraid to say.
if i didn't have a sense of humor because no one is funnier or cheekier about vintage stuff and retro ads than Barbara is.
Pictorial Arts because I'm in love with that blog.
You also must post seven random facts about yourself if you win this award. So here you go:
- I wasn't always an atheist. I used to go to church, as I grew up I outgrew religion. I saw it for what it was, a method for a few people to control the actions and thoughts of many people.
- I loved my old neighborhood in Roanoke, Virginia. It had two grocery stores, an art-house movie theater, three bars, and a bus stop from which I could access the rest of the city.
- I was at one time a Future Farmer of America. If you took agriculture in my high school, which I did when I was in the 8th grade, you had to join the FFA. I never bought one of those stupid looking jackets though.
- I was in Oakland, CA for only a few days but I really liked it.
- Before I went to Oakland the furthest west I had ever been was Conway, Arkansas.
- I really hated being in Conway, Arkansas. No shit, I really hated it. HATED IT. No wonder Bill Clinton worked so hard to get the hell out of that hellish state.
- I've really liked every one I have ever met from Maine. Sure, the only ones I remember are the cute women but in my defense, they were all really nice.
Thanks Monkey! I'm psyched to do this one... Kxo
Well deserved, sir! Now I am gonna check out a couple of them there blogs.
Congrats on the big time award!
Congrats on the Major Award! I'm sure you'd like to thank the academy. I have to check out some of those bloggers.
You RULE! I am SO going to write-in you for JC mayor...
What company to keep!
And job hunt? Oh, yeah...right, right, right....
Thanks, man. I really appreciate it!
You totally deserve the award! Thank you for awarding it to me too. Can I award it back? I will play, but it might take a few days (there's a little shindig going on here).
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