Tuesday, March 2, 2010


"Daddy, could you keep your hands where I can see them while you give me this talk?"


Laura said...

Oh my gawd.
I would have killed myself if my Dad had of tried to explain sex to me.
I do remember one uncomfortable conversation with him when I was 18.
Truly horrible...


Alpha Stone said...

I think this conversation is getting mom a little randy.

SkylersDad said...

At least he is setting the mood with a little Barry White on the turntable.

Anonymous said...


Barbara Bruederlin said...

mommy too!

GETkristiLOVE said...

Is that why Daddy's growing weed in the planter?

XUP said...

I don't think this will be a graphic discussion.Just an explanation that sex is something only whores and mommies do and that Daddy's little girl must now pledge her virginity to him and then they'll celebrate by attending the Purity Ball together.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Nobody makes me laugh like you do XUP.

Little Merry Sunshine said...

Dr. Monkey, where do you find this stuff? It's simply brilliant. And by brilliant, I mean incredibly creepy, but hysterical.

Margaret Benbow said...

You can tell by the arm of the record player that Barry White has been playing for quite awhile (thanks Skylers Dad) and probably that's why Mommy has her hands all over Daddy.

Anonymous said...

Awfully nice of 60s era Barbra Streisand to stop in to help demonstrate the Congress of the Cow.