Saturday, December 19, 2009

Storm of the century of the week

It started out as rain yesterday morning and then by noonish yesterday big wet flakes began mixing in. By three o'clock it had changed to all snow and it started to stick. By three thirty it was evident that things were going down hill weather wise. It snowed all night and many highways were closed.

Thank goodness our power only went off a time or two and only for a moment or two. Some of our friends in out lying counties will be without power for a few days.

I got out yesterday afternoon and went to the grocery store and I laid in the necessary provisions so we're good to go. I hope all of you in the path of this storm are safe and warm. We ended up with about 11 inches of snow and it's still spitting as I write this.

Here's some photos I took while out and about earlier this afternoon:
The Sparky mobile in the snow.

Dusted shrub.

Snow covered wildlife.

Snowman family built by some local kids.

By the way, if any of you decide to leave me a comment telling me something along the lines of 11 inches of snow is nothing or that the weather where you live is worse, then I'm going to delete it and I'm going to seriously consider revoking your comment privileges for good. When you leave comments saying shit like that what you are saying, whether you realize it or not is, "Your experience is shit compared to mine." I had to put up with that shit growing up and I'm not about to put up with it on my blog.


Lockwood said...

Snow is so pretty... we rarely get it here, and I love watching it fall. And I love the way it makes everything look fluffy and magical.

And then I have to go out in it.

And then I don't love it so much.

Enjoy; hope you don't have to go out in it.

Laura said...

It's nice to have some snow for Christmas.. isn't it? :)
Now.. if it would leave RIGHT AFTER ... I'd be happy. :D


K.Line said...

Just gorgeous. We are having very green weather here - I mean, green and grey (totally depressing). That snow would be lovely right about now. Of course, eventually it would have to melt, but I'd worry about that later :-)

libhom said...

The scary thing, for me, is that this pattern has been going on for a month or so at least. Now that it's colder, we may get several of these this year.

Elizabeth said...

Stay warm and snug! Hope your power stays on.

Deepti said...

Yoiks! If I were you, I wouldn't go outside until it all melted.

Barbara Bruederlin said...

Those are pretty amazing pictures! I cannot believe the snowfall you are getting. Stay safe and warm.

Karen Zipdrive said...

It's 65 and sunny in San Antonio today. >>ducking<<

Caroline said...

I know you always like a good storm, Dr. Nice photos. I'm sorry you had to put up with unpleasantness like that when you were growing up. I know just what you mean.

Anonymous said...

Got about as much in New York City. Of course the restaurants were still open, so I treated myself to a lovely, and filling, Irish breakfast. Hope the power stays on and you stay warm. And since I'm leaving for xmas tomorrow....I hope you have a fabulous xmas.

Ubermilf said...

Snow in an area that doesn't typically get a lot always impacts more because you don't have all the snow removal and ice melting equipment in place. So, 11 inches where you are is equivalent to like 3 feet in Green Bay. It's a very scientific formula.

I think Christmas lights look prettier in the snow, so there's that.

Anonymous said...

Funny how snow LOOKS beautiful until you have to go outside! LOL

Happy shoveling and I hope everyone is up and operational soon! :)

Karen Zipdrive said...

68 in San Antonio today.
>>ducking again<<

Ed said...

Nice snow pictures! I love a good snow storm. I hope you were able to enjoy yours.