Friday, December 18, 2009

Get it right

It's 'tenterhooks' not tenderhooks.

It's Republican and Democrat when you are talking about the political parties and it's democrats and republicans when you are talking about political theory/movements in general.

It's 'up and at 'em.' Not 'up and Adam.'

It's gesture, not jester.

It's 'your' bike and 'you're' going to get in trouble if it's stolen.

And for fuck's sake, use spell check before you hit the publish button after you write a blog post.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some kids to go shoo off my lawn.


Distributorcap said...

r u saying i kant spel?

Mnmom said...

Don't forget "buck naked" not "butt naked",

and "intents and purposes" not "intensive purposes",

and finally my big peeve it's "I couldn't care less" not "I could care less".

Laura said...

My pet peeve is "yousguys".
"Did yousguys enjoy your dinner?"
Yes. Wesguys did. Thank yous.

I shouldn't talk. I'm the worst for just leaving my mistakes uncorrected.
Sorry! :(


MommyLisa said...

Don't forget to turn the hose on those darn kids!

Wings1295 said...

Yeehaa and hallelujah!

Elizabeth said...

Oooh, don't get me started! Ooops, you already did.
One of my favorites is "That just doesn't pass mustard." It's "pass muster" you ninnies!
Then there's, "That's a hard road to hoe." Yes, roads would be hard to hoe! Normally we who farm or garden try to hoe "rows."

And the abuse that the poor inoffensive and ever-useful apostrophe gets!

Sleestak said...

Occasionally I go back to old posts and hit the spell check, wondering how I could have been so lazy the first time around. But then I'm a goofy amateur. It is when I see glaring errors on the sites of the big boys that fries my eggs.

And the rules of apostrophe placement? Mostly I just don't give a damn.

Mnmom said...

And how about "you've got another thing coming!"

It's "you've got another THINK coming"

Megan said...

You don't phase me!

Anonymous said...

"That's a 'mute' point."
--How do you know it's "moot" if you can't hear it?!?!?

"That doesn't 'jive'."
--Even if it "jibed" it wouldn't have much humorously deceptive rhythmic spirit!

Margaret Benbow said...

Actually it's Repugnican, but never mind.

Virginia Pickel said...

I read your last sentence as: "I have some kids to go SHOOT off my lawn." I'll watch for you on the news later. :-)

Nan said...

"Major league" devolving into "majorly" has annoyed me for years. I know language isn't static, but it's still irritating to hear it change before your very ears.

Sharon said...

It's the Republican and Democratic parties. NOT Democrat party -- one of the favorite elocutions of the wingnuts.

Michael Garrett said...

Add one more - no, two more, to the roster:

Console TV, not "council" TV

Living room suite (as in "sweet"-sounding) and not suit (as in "Nice suit. Whose funeral?).

Oh, yeah, one more:

"I would have gone", not " I would of gone".


Anonymous said...

'hoi polloi' - no 'the' in front.

hell hath no fury like a woman's scorn.

I will accept "Up and ATOM!"

SadButTrue said...

I'm totally with you Dr. Monkey.

I see a lot of people are using apostrophe S to pluralize now, and about half of the people who write and comment on blogs spell definite 'definate.' The unpolished turds of idiocy also use 'are' when they mean 'our' - as in, "it's are right to be stoopud."

And that's another one. It's - with an apostrophe - is only used for a contraction, never for the possessive. As in: "a donkey doesn't know its butt from an ass's ass."

Karen Zipdrive said...
