Former 'diplomat' and right wing war monger, John Bolton, seen here gettin' jiggy with his second amendment rights,

and noted jack ass and FOX Noise regular, Dick Morris

said Bill Clinton's trip to rescue those female journalists in North Korea was a bad idea. Here's some other things they think are bad as well:
- puppies
- sunshine
- babies
- growing a garden
- saying 'Thank you'
- singing around a campfire
- rescuing children who have fallen down a well
- petting dogs
- giving money to the poor
- helping old ladies cross busy streets
- telling the truth
- not using bombs and guns to solve problems
- allowing Tom Cruise and John Travolta to continue making movies.
I'll admit to agreeing with them on the last item but it's unconscionable for Morris to say that those women should have been left there in a North Korean prison to rot so that they could reflect on what their 'crimes.' One would hope that Mr. Morris falls on a thin glass rod and that rod then goes up the hole in his penis and it shatters inside his weenie during the weekly conservative pundit circle jerk over at FOX Noise. And Bolton should be forced to clean toilets in the slums of Rio de Janerio until he learns some humility.
Why can't those "people" just be glad those women are free???? That's the important thing.
I mean, if nobody else was able to do it, at least Bill got the job done.
I love the way these pricks expose themselves for the haters they are with every utterance they make. Dick Morris just needs to suck on some hooker toes whenever he feels an opinion coming on. He is so jealous of Bill Clinton and has always been that this is killing him. I care little what they say because you know how much all of this democratic sucess is killing them and "their suffering is as sweet to me as a rare wine" to quote Mr Hyde.
But tell us, Dr. Monkey, how you really feel??? :)
I agree with ya, man!
Bolton's been a plague for years.
Not to mention he wanted to blow up Chicago with bombs just last year. I'm still taking that personally.
Rescuing children who have fallen down a well is SOCIALISM!
Why do you hate freedom?! 9-11!!!
Ouch! say.... they could use someone with your moxie over at Guantanamo
Queen of Thoughts and MNMom cracked me up.
John Bolton should simply be ignored... think about it!
woulod love to catch bolton and morris sucking on each others toes
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