Wednesday, August 12, 2009

More pop-servations

  • How much you want to bet that Michael Douglas's kid does no hard time for his drug bust? I've got $20 bucks that says he walks free. Now if he were the child of Denzel Washington or Cedric the Entertainer, then he'd fry.
  • Speaking of Michael Douglas, I'm sorry but I can't think of Catherine Zeta Jones as sexy anymore because she bumps uglies with him. If she's into gettin' it on with dudes who are old enough to be her grandfather then that's cool with me, but don't try to sell me on her being a sex symbol anymore.
  • It's official, I don't give care what Brad and Angelina do anymore.
  • That hissing sound you hear is the sound of the last bit of air going out of Paula Abdul's career now that she's been kicked off America's Got Singers I Couldn't Give a Shit About. Maybe now she'll hook up with MC Skat Cat and live the life she was damned to lead in the first place.
  • Note to Jon Stewart, it's not so amusing to watch you crack yourself up night after night so knock it off, it's making me hate your show.
  • Does anyone know if Hulk Hogan and Billy Ray Cyrus are still dating their daughters?
  • Millions of teens found out the other night what millions of older Americans already knew. They found out that celebrity asswipe Dane Cook is not funny. Now if only someone will tell them that Adam Sandler is not funny then they might grow up well adjusted and almost normal.
  • Speaking of asswipes, Jeremy Piven has a new movie out soon. I'm planning to give it the same amount of attention that I give to his HBO show Entourage, which is to say I'll be avoiding it like the plague.
That's all for now but I'm sure I'll have more pop culture observations later so check back often!


Mike Finnigan said...

Douglas' kid will do time. This isn't his first brush with crime. The judge will notice and he'll go down.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Have never seen an episode of Entourage and feel like I didn't miss a thing. Piven makes me want to slap the TV and finally someone else has supported my contention that Dane Cook is not funny and never has been.

Megan said...

Nobody should do time for drugs. It costs more to process them then they actually paid for the fix.

Trust me, I know what I'm talking about.

Perhaps I've said too much...

Rene ala Carte said...

What? Nothing about Will Ferrell?

Karen Zipdrive said...

Cameron Douglas's girlfriend just got busted smuggling heroin to him in the body of an electric toothbrush. He's on house arrest at Catherine Zeta Jones's house in NYC.
I agree with your other assessments, and I'll add Miley Cyrus, whose drugged up slut status is right around the corner.

Keith said...

These were some good pop-servations. I think celebs and their offspring usually get away with about anything else.

Deepti said...

You know, I thought Zeta-Jones stopped being sexy when she started with the Atkins diet. I just imagine that she smells of bacon and steak.

K.Line said...

I'm so with you on Cameron Douglas getting off with a slap on the wrist. Can't possibly bet against you on that. But, re CZJ, I think she's entirely hot. Don't diss her!

themom said...

I saw Dane Cook in Boston about 8 years ago, before he hit the "big time." He was totally hilarious at the improv club. Now, the changes he has made are sometimes hard to bear.

Not a Paula Abdul fan..won't miss her! (Don't watch much of it anyway)

MommyLisa said...

Dane Cook is not funny, just sad. That said, I liked the movie Dan in Real Life despite Dane being in it - and Steve Carell too. I do not like either of them much, Steve is better when he is not trying to be funny.

Ick Jeremy Piven. What a D-bag.

Anonymous said...

I'll take your $20 bet, Dr. Monkey. You see, the young Mr. Douglas tried to have his girlfriend smuggle 17 bags of heroin in an electric toothbrush and, well, a private security guard found them. She's been arrested, of course. Apparently they were both strung out, so it wasn't difficult to know something was up.