Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Just when you thought it was safe to go to Canada

Damn you for keeping this abomination under wraps Calvin! Was it your evil plan to lure us naive Americans to Canada so we'd get snared in the tentacles of doom?


Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

OMG OMG..those bastards!!!! They are just doing this to mess with my head. OK calm...don't overreact. No, I should overreact....fuck them. Stinkin cephalopods. They should realize that this will only strengthen my resolve. Well played my enemy..well played.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Oh and if you have been paying attention..THIS is the exact thing I have been warning people about all this time. Don't buy into the hype or drink the Kool-Aid. Am I alone here? Now maybe, finally, someone will see the danger we ALL are in.

SadButTrue said...

It's worth putting up with the odd squid just to have Canadian health care, believe me. Besides, squid mostly only go for the old and the slow (our version of death panels) and seldom come very far inland.

Blueberry said...

giant squid? What will they try to frighten us with next? Better health care? sheeesh.

Mauigirl said...

Who knew? I've been to Newfoundland and didn't see any evidence of the giant squid! But perhaps it popped up since our visit in 2005! Maybe it's part of the global warming phenomenon...

Anonymous said...

Canadian squid and/or octopussies are very friendly and playful. They'll hug you while serving you a nicely chilled martini AND lighting your Cuban cigar

Barbara Bruederlin said...

I will thank you not to give away our national secrets, you damned secret teller!

Lsamsa said...

It's never safe to come to Canada!
If you don't freeze, or get really drunk from our beer, or go insane after hearing 'eh' so much, or become paranoid because people are just 'way too polite' just might be tempted to ask about our healthcare system & you know that's just too much of a 'slippery slope' to even consider.

Anonymous said...

I think the squid is a clown in disguise....