I had been having pain in the upper center of my chest for moths before that fateful night but I dismissed it as indigestion. Turns out my heart was trying to shut down because my arteries were clogged. I also had all the classic signs (high blood pressure, pain in my arms when an artery shut down a year or so before my heart attack, a family history of heart disease) of having heart problems for a few years leading up to the evening of August 4th, 2004 but all the doctors who I had seen, all of whom were graduates of the ETSU school of medicine and who's names I'll gladly give you in person so you can avoid them like the plague, kept misdiagnosing my symptoms, thereby prolonging my problems and weakening my already bad heart.
That night in Knoxville I was feeling lightheaded as I walked in to the nightclub where we performed and I was also short of breath. I walked in, climbed the steps to the third floor, sat down, and began gasping for air. Next thing I knew I woke up on the floor, I was sweating buckets, gasping for air, and looking up at the people who were hovering over me. Then a few minutes later the ambulance got there and they whisked me off to the hospital where I met this guy:

Dr. Hoadley put a stent in me five years ago tonight. But in the long run a stent was only a stop gap solution, so about a month later I had a quadruple bypass, Bill Clinton had his around the same time as I had mine. If you've ever wondered what they do to you in a bypass operation, this is what they do after they saw open your breastbone:

So, so far I've beaten the disease, with the help of my girlfriend Sparky who has been a true champion through out all my health problems and without whom I'd probably have been long gone by now, that claimed my sister, my mother, and a couple of my uncles on both sides of my family. However I've got quite a ways to go before I surpass my Uncle Bob, he had about the same thing happen to him when he was my age, even though he didn't smoke a pack and a half of Marlboro Lights a day, and he's still around today. I believe he's in his mid to late 70's so that gives me something to shoot for.
Happy anniversary to me and if you ever have pains in the upper middle of your chest, don't wait to get them checked out, go to the emergency room if you have to, just make sure you get checked out, it may just save your life.
Yay Monkey!!! Stick around for a long time, wouldja? xoxo
congrats on the anniversary. i wish my mom (TheMom over at attentive aphorist) would do the same as you. she just doesn't listen.
rock on!
Well, I am grateful to the doc, as well. If it wasn't for him, so many of us wouldn't have gotten to know the wacky world of Dr. Monkey!
Keep on going strong!
Good for you. I hate cigarettes, and I have good reasons. They are as evil as Cheney. If it's not a heart attack or lung cancer, then it's likely to be emphysema, and where are the benefits?
Congrats to you!! And a big thank you to Dr. Stephen Hoadley!!
My Dad smoked like a wet campfire, had bypass at 62, then died of a heart attack at 69. I begged him to give up the cigs most of my childhood but I guess the addiction was just too strong.
Astounding I'm so proud of you. Its not an easy task to let go of bad habbits but i'm really glad you're still here. Good for you love!
Well, I guess I have been "slammed" by my son here. He is right and I know he is right. You are also. I am hooked and wish I weren't. Congrats to you though.
First, I wish doctors would stop pretending they know everything. Most of them barely know half the stuff we think they know. Second, ya, for a doctor who did know something. Third, congratulations to you for taking your health into your own hands and making the changes necessary to keep you well. Who knew lifestyle could have such an impact on our health, eh?
Good for you, Dr. Monkey! So glad you were saved & changed the lifestyle. I quit smoking in 2002 or 2003.
Themom if you need any motivation for quitting - here's a good one. Part of what motivated me was a Dr. friend who said just the right thing, and realizing how evil the cigarette industry is.
Also, I found that when I switched from Marlboro Lights to American Spirit, it was easier to quit! That's because they put a bunch of other super-addictive stuff in Marlboros & other popular brands that makes it that much harder to quit. For some reason, quitting American Spirit - that doesn't have all the extra addictive additives - was not too brutal (I was a pack a day smoker).
Hope that helps :)
Yay for 5 years of healthy Dr. Monkey!!
You are an example to us all Monkey!! Your new veggie garden is just another way to sustain your health and enjoy it at the same time. So glad you had Sparky to help you through this time.
Phew! Glad you're still here to give us that good advice.
Good for you for giving up the smokes. It's the single best thing you can do to be around longer.
Thanks to Sparky because I love my Dr. Monkey!!
Happy Anniversary. May you have many many many more.
Thanks for the advice which we can't hear often enough. I do some of the things that hurt you and from reading your post I made an appointment to see a doctor next week. I am glad you are here brother because your opinion is valuable to me. Here's to us both being snarky for a long time.
Viva La Monkey!
Congratulations on the anniversary. Maybe you can talk to my dad. Remember his mysterious heart attack? Ha came home the other day with a rack of ribs for grilling. Well, at least he doesn't smoke.
Take care of yourself, Dr. M. And for God's sake, avoid those cigarettes!
Glad your good health continues!
My friend Rick died of a massive coronary about ten years ago, when he was 37. He was thin as a rail, but smoked a pack or so a day. He ignored chest pains, thinking they were indigestion.
I had to take a CPR course recently in preparation for the beginning of nursing school, and the nurse giving the course said she'd seen heart attacks-- even multiple ones-- in people in their twenties.
By quitting smoking and improving your diet, you've drastically improved your chances at living into old age. Good work!
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