I bought this DVD for $3 a few weeks ago at Big Lots and I finally watched it last night:

It was co-written and directed by Peter Jackson, who has an Alfred Hitchcock like cameo in it. It's a highly entertaining fast paced horror movie. It's got some blood 'n' guts action in it and it's probably not suitable for youngsters but I really liked it. It reminded me of the classic horror movies of the early 1980's, it had horror elements, ghosts, some grisly action but no torture stuff that is prevalent in some of today's horror films like the
Saw series and the
Hostel films.
Michael J. Fox is good in his role of the con man ghost buster and Trini Alvarado is very cute and winning as the film's heroine.

I've had a mini crush on Trini ever since I saw her in the film
Times Square back in the early '80's. She's been good in everything I've ever seen her in, and no, I have not seen her in
Beaches and
Little Women. Dee Wallace Stone, a veteran of some of the finest horror movies of the early and mid '80's is quite good in this film as well. And finally I can say with certainty that this movie features the best performance Jake Busey has ever given on film.
If you like horror movies with a touch of humor then I highly recommend this movie. This one is a keeper for me, it will movie into my yearly viewing rotation along with another of Peter Jackson's films, the great
Heavenly Creatures.
Trini Alvarado is the girl from Rich Kids - the one film I've talked about on my blog. It was her first role. If you like her, you should really rent it.
Is this pre-Parkinson's for Fox or does he work it into his character?
I actually liked this movie as well. The CG for the time was pretty good and the storyline and action kept things moving. Great review.
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