Spare all of us your phony outage Ms. Palin. You should be outraged at Levi for raping the daughter you paraded around for your political benefit. It's Letterman's job to make fun of you and it was your job to make sure your own daughter didn't get knocked up before she got married. You struck out, Dave knocked a home run.
I like The Onion's take on it. http://bit.ly/sSViy
Sarah just wants fair play..... like shooting wild life from planes
... maybe late night comedians from planes, too.
I love Dave.
OMG! The Onion has me truly laughing out loud! HYSTERICAL!
Didn't Levi do some interviews where he said that he would spend the night in Bristol's room?
When I was a teenager, I wasn't allowed to have a boy in my room with all the lights on, doors and window shades open, parents home and him handcuffed to one side of the room and me handcuffed to the other side of the room during day light hours for fear I might get pregnant through osmosis, I guess.
What do parents think happens when they say "oh sure, have a slumber party and sleep in the same bed with the door closed. you're CHRISTIAN kids and we've told you not to have sex, so we know you won't." Yep. That works well.
Teen sex happens. Teen pregnancy also happens,not surprisingly more often to girls from families who teach abstinence as the only way. I think most thinking people know that Bristol Palin's pregnancy was simply one of those things, and would have abstained (haha) from making her the butt of jokes had she not signed on as the spokesfallenteenwoman for an organization that promotes abstinence only.
While I absolutely agree with everything you say here, I do kinda wish everyone would stop mentioning that woman at all.
I fear we'll never be rid of her.
Sarah Palin is using David Letterman as a scapegoat for her own mistakes, and to keep her name in the spotlight. I don't think she taught her daughter abstinence so much as she was absent as a parent, trying to further her political career.
I am just so happy she's not the VP...
I'm kind of pissed at Dave for apologizing. And I thank Ms. Palin for giving me another reason to think she's the most useless, vindictive, manipulative, sorry excuse for a woman on the planet.
Sarah is winkin' at you, Monkey Muck! Is there a secret hunk of burning love going on between her and the Monkey Man???
I agree with Whiskey Marie! Palin is a joke of a politician and a sad human being.
"Statutory rape" is a bs term. Teen sex is perfectly normal.
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