...a giant puss filled douchebag.
He wants the public option dropped from the health care over haul. National health insurance is too important to let douchebags like Tom Daschle, who took millions from health care related companies while he was a lobbyist by the way, run it. Oust all the bastards, the douchebags, the lobyists, the asswipes from the AMA, and lets make them give us singlepayer national health insurance for all Americans, not just Congressmen, their staffs, and the obscenely wealthy.
And he was Obama's first choice for HHS. Change you can believe in!
What's the difference between a douche bag and an enema bag? Is there one? I odn't know.I also don't know enough about your health care situation to leave an intelligent comment.
What Agi said (beat me to it). Which, I think, proves that Obama was for universal health coverage about as much as he is for supporting gay rights. That is, not.
See why I'm so cynical?
Well, I guess you are, too.
I completely agree, if you looked up 'giant puss filled douchebag' in the dictionary, his smug mug would be there.
And I had high hopes....
The douchebag you show is too clean to be the Tom Daschle douchebag.
Dashhole is almost as corrupt as Baucus.
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