Friday, June 19, 2009

The internet referee called a foul

"Internet connection problems. The asswipe who caused them gets a spanking. And five minutes in the penalty box."

I'm back online now but who knows for how long. Charter cable sucks ass.


GETkristiLOVE said...

Five minutes in the box... is STILL not long enough.

themom said...

You tell them Dr. MVM! These storms up this way are playing havoc with all our utilities. I'm leaning toward a drought right now.

Mnmom said...

Charter has been better behaved as of late here. Good luck!

Umatter2Charter said...


My name is Eric Ketzer, and I am a Manager with Charter Communications. Sorry to hear about your Internet problems. We'd prefer to not spend any additional time in the penalty box, so we'd like to check your signal levels and modem log to see if there is anything we can do to provide a better connection. Please contact us at

Thanks, Eric

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Hey Eric, perhaps if Charter paid less people to troll blogs and they used that money instead to upgrade their internet service then people would hate them so much. It's just an idea and since it's a pretty common sense one at that, I know Chater won't use it. Your company sucks at customer service, it's motto must be, "Blame the customer for everything that goes wrong. Never admit wrong doing or shitty service on our part."

You're not welcome,
Dr. Monkey

Unknown said...

Cracking up at UMatter2Charter!!!!!

I think you need to see this.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Helen-I saw that and I laughed my skinny ass off over it. ;0)

Professor Chaos said...

They can't be any worse than Comcast! We finally got so fed up with them that we switched to DSL, and DirectTV satellite. Both kick ass compared to Comcast and their notoriously shitty service.