I feel so sad for Miss California. She's being attacked for who she is (just like gay people are), for what she believes (just like people who believe in marriage equality are), and now it looks like she might lose her crown because she cheated in order to win it (just like the Mormons and other religious groups did in order to defeat gay marriage in California). She knew the rules of the pageant stated that there were not supposed to be any nude or partially nude photos in her background and she lied to the pageant organizers when she said there weren't. The fact that they came out after she made her bigoted feelings about gay marriage known is immaterial because the fact remains, she lied in order to win, she cheated.
She's said over and over again that she's speaking out against gay marriage because she has to defend her god. My question is, why doesn't the god who she is defending make all this bad shit go away? Why doesn't the sky open and he come down and kick everyone's ass who is being mean to her? You'd think that her god would be so overjoyed that someone was sticking up for it that he'd smite all the gays and straights who are laughing and making fun of all the trouble she's in now. Maybe the poor deluded hatemongering fake tit having beauty queen thinks she's going to get her reward in heaven for all the "good" work she's doing down here now. Well, if that's the case, then I really do feel sad for her.
I HATE that ignorant, dumb bitch: "My parents raised me to be prejudiced and idiotic, so I think I'll continue the trend".
Too much inbreeding in that gene pool.
Maybe Gays are to her god, like Krytonite is to Superman?
Which makes me think we need more gays...
I did not know that Donald Trump owns the pageant and her future could be in his hands. I wonder if she respects God Money?
Her one statement makes me want to smack her in the head..."There is something special about unions of husband and wife. Unless we bring men and women together, children will not have fathers and mothers."
Excuse me, she is 21 and dumber than a box of rocks. I can't remember the last time I trusted any "wisdom" coming from one that young!
Do you think that the reason Jesus didn't specifically speak out against homosexuality was because he was on an extended three year camping trip with twelve other dudes?
'cuz Andy Warhol didn't invent gay you know. It's been around a while.
damn. I just turned into a pillar of salt.
I wonder what her pals in Jesusland thought of her soft porn photo posing?
I guess it's okay if just men look at it. I think men oogling pictures of semi naked women is in the Bible, innit?
she does believe in 'opposite' marriage - like if she married einstein.......
oh - and sarah palin called her -- i think the 15 minutes have ticked by]
good riddance
You know what she needs? Some She-bears to come down and rip some critics to shreds.
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