Monday, May 11, 2009

Harold Ford Jr is a turd in the Democratic party's punch bowl

Harold Ford Jr, seen here relaxing after a long day of sucking up to corporate America, thinks torture is fine and dandy!

I will never ever vote for him ever again. In fact, I'll campaign against him if he ever runs for the Senate in Tennessee again.

He spouts Republican talking points all the time and he's more pro-corporate America than the average conservative here in east Tennesee is. I'm glad he lost his US Senate race in 2006. Go away Uncle Tom, go the hell away.


Utah Savage said...

I was thinking the same thing.

lisahgolden said...

Why does the word obsequious come to mind when I think of Harold Ford, Jr.?

Karen Zipdrive said...

I dislike him, too.
It's hard to believe he's not a Republican.