Friday, February 13, 2009

Sen Judd Gregg (R-NH)...

...proving once again that Republicans put party first and country second. Ol' Judd decided he'd like to obstruct more and help get us out of the mess of the Bush years less. Thanks for being a patriot Judd! I for one will never forget how you voted with Bush on the Patriot act, on the war, on taking civil liberties away from Americans, and how you helped make this country less safe. And I won't forget that all the while you were bashing big government, you were sucking at it's teat. Fuck you, you stinking old hypocrite.

I'm hoping like crazy that the people Like Judd Gregg keep following the dictates of Rush "The big fat drug addict" Limbo. If they do then pretty soon they'll follow him off the cliff and into oblivion.


Little Merry Sunshine said...

Didn't this guy pretty much beg for this the job as Commerce Secretary?

Ever since I heard about this yesterday, I have been reminded of Lucy begging Charlie Brown to let her hold the football for him to kick and despite his hesitancy, he goes for it, only to have her yank it away at the last second so he falls flat on his face while she rolls around on the ground laughing.

Little Merry Sunshine said...

And one more thing, I'm sick and tired of the GOP running around screaming about how partisan the Dems are. Give me a f'ing break. At no time was W looking to bring Dems into his circle and on the rare occasion we were invited, we sure as heck didn't act like Judd Gregg is acting.

The GOP lost. Barack and the Dems won. We now get to do it our way.

themom said...

Wonderfully stated. It appears that bipartisanship is not working well at the moment. There's a whole other platform.

Karen Zipdrive said...

Just blogged about this.
The GOP has no interest in bipartisanship.
Fuck 'em.

Sherry Pasquarello said...

shame on him.

John said...

Another great post you have...Judd is such a jerk, he didn't want the job anyway unless his terms were met--that his replacement in the senate be a republican. I can understand that, but he should have just said "no thanks," when first asked.

We have Ray LaHood (former Republican Congressman from my district)...that's enough republicans in the cabinet!

Dick Tremayne said...

I just want to know where all this pushback was when W was draining our coffers? FOX News is going through the Stimulus Plan and trying to highlight wasteful spending. Why don't they go back and look at every bill W passed to nit pick for pork or spending on bad ideas? How about glad-handing billions to corporations that endorsed his presidency?