Sunday, February 8, 2009

Do it

For 8 years the foxes guarded the hen houses in Washington DC. The Bush/Cheney administration put their buds in big business in charge at the top of the Departments of the Interior, Labor, Justice, the EPA, and the FDA and as a result the rights of workers were gutted in favor of making sure big business made more profits and paid less taxes, our environment was raped and plundered, the Justice department became a place where the laws were only enforced if they benefited rich white people, and inspection and regulation of our nation's food and drug supply was ignored. Because of all that people died, are still dying (peanut butter sandwich anyone?), and our country and planet are in deep peril.

But fixing that stuff is not a priority with some in the Senate because they've got bigger fish to fry. They've got to stop the stimulus package because it might actually help people who don't give them any money for their re-election. They made damn sure the banks and Wall Street investment houses got bailed out and they did it willingly because they get a shit load of money from those people, but people who work in education, construction, retail, who write computer code, who get up before dawn and punch a time clock when they get to work don't give them a cent so our "esteemed" Senators, including the two douchebags who "represent" us folks in Tennessee, don't want to see them get any help. It's strictly pay for play with the cabal of Republicans in the Senate. If you give them money to get re-elected, they'll vote to give you bail out money, if you don't, then you're fucked. Witness them cutting spending on programs that will create jobs just as they scream about more tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy. I'm still waiting on the last round of tax cuts on corporations to help me out.

But holding up the stimulus isn't the only thing the Republicans are doing, they're also holding up the nomination of Hilda Solis. She's been nominated to head the Department of Labor and since she's not a whore for big business, she is in fact a friend of organized labor, the Republicans are nervous and they want to derail her nomination. They can't seem to wrap their greedy bloated heads around the idea of a woman who is a friend of the working man heading up the Department of Labor. I'm sure they're frightened that she might actually do things that benefit the working people of this country while she's in charge. They're shaking their boots knowing that someone who wants to halt the slide that the American workers have been on since Reagan was President will be in charge for a change.

As I've said before, the Republicans in the House and Senate, and some Democrats as well, I'm looking at you Diane Feinstein and Jay Rockefeller and Chuck Schumer, drove us to this cliff that we find ourselves on. We sure as hell don't need to let them drive us off it so let's hope cooler heads prevail and that the stimulus package gets passed along and that they get off their asses and make Hilda Solis the head of the Department of Labor.


Distributorcap said...

i would like to think these are desperate measures from a desperate party - but when you have people like DIane Feinstein and Blanche Lincoln and Ben Nelson

they are not -- this govt, no matter who is in charge - does NOT care about you if you dont help them get reelected


Suzy said...

I am pissed about what has been cut out of the stimulus package -- essentially everything that matters to people like me. Or as Think Progress reported yesterday, it disproportionately harms, guess who? Women and children. Again.

libhom said...

One of the things that pisses me off about the Solis thing is that anonymous holds have been used by the Goppers. Senators shouldn't be able to block things anonymously. This is the peoples' business, and the people have a right to now what is going on.