Friday, January 9, 2009

Out with the old...

...and in with the new, avatars that is. I've followed the lead of two of my favorite people I've met via teh internets, my eviler twin brother who writes Death Wore a Feathered Mullet and the witty and oh so achingly fetching ENC, in creating my new avatars.

DWAFM hipped me to the Obamatizing thingy webpage and like ENC I decided to go with a picture of me when I was young, so I Obamatized my school pictures from when I was 8 and 9. I've changed my avatar here and on Flickr as well. I also use one of these as my Facebook profile picture.

Note the rakish angle of my glasses on my 8 year old self.

Note how my hair comes to a point on top of my 9 year old self.

Yes, I realize I just added to the pool of useless knowledge in your fevered little brains but I don't care. Deal with it.


Mnmom said...

VERY cool, but no link???

Claire said...

These are excellent! And I didn't realize you wore glasses as a child; so does my 7 year old.

lisahgolden said...

I love that! You look fabulous.

Lockwood said...

Way cool! I got glasses in fourth grade, and I see a certain similarity, though I wasn't NEARLY as colorful, and I didn't have that little pointy thing.

splord said...


Off to play with it my own self....

Bon Don said...

hey lockwood & bob look like twins!

Anyway, cute pictures!

Anonymous said...

How is it you never became a rock and roll legend?

Suzy said...

Ooooh, this looks like FUN! Thanks, Dr. Monk.

Sherry Pasquarello said...

i did one but it's no way as spiffy as yours!!!

Mauigirl said...

Very cool, must go try it out.

Anonymous said...

I love it!