DWAFM hipped me to the Obamatizing thingy webpage and like ENC I decided to go with a picture of me when I was young, so I Obamatized my school pictures from when I was 8 and 9. I've changed my avatar here and on Flickr as well. I also use one of these as my Facebook profile picture.

Note the rakish angle of my glasses on my 8 year old self.

Note how my hair comes to a point on top of my 9 year old self.
Yes, I realize I just added to the pool of useless knowledge in your fevered little brains but I don't care. Deal with it.
VERY cool, but no link???
These are excellent! And I didn't realize you wore glasses as a child; so does my 7 year old.
I love that! You look fabulous.
Way cool! I got glasses in fourth grade, and I see a certain similarity, though I wasn't NEARLY as colorful, and I didn't have that little pointy thing.
Off to play with it my own self....
hey lockwood & bob look like twins!
Anyway, cute pictures!
How is it you never became a rock and roll legend?
Ooooh, this looks like FUN! Thanks, Dr. Monk.
i did one but it's no way as spiffy as yours!!!
Very cool, must go try it out.
I love it!
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