Stop trying to work with the Congressional Republicans on the stimulus package. Their leader Rush Limbo has already given his party members their marching orders and those orders are to make sure you fail. They voted en masse against your package even after you put things in it to appease them. They have shown that they have no interest in working with you, moving our economy and our country forward, or doing what's best for the highest amount of people so my advice to you is to stop placating them and move on.
Also sir, stop with the tax cut nonsense. Tax cuts never work and they do not stimulate anything. They take money out of the federal treasury at a time when we need all the cash we can get. If I were you, instead of cutting taxes, I'd raise taxes on the wealthiest Americans and on big American corporations who are sending jobs over seas.********
We, liberals and progressives, won the past two elections so let's grow a pair and start governing with our interests in mind instead of the conservatives. They had their chance and they failed because conservatism doesn't work for the vast majority of the people in this country, but progressivism damn sure does and it's our country's last best hope of returning to greatness after the debacle of the Bush years.********
Please get on with the business of being a progressive President and let's bring an end to the war of terror on Iraq, get health care or at least Medicare for all Americans, let's rebuild our infrastructure, and let's stop asking for help from the people who got us into this mess in the first place. Tax cutters, deregulators, and the greed of big business got us into this mess and only a big juicy Presidential stimulus package can get us out of it.********
We're counting on you big guy, don't let us down.
Another great post...you should send it to him. I agree on it all, especially about these tax cuts, especially to people that get back all the Fed. tax paid in PLUS thousands in Earned Income Credit, plus child care deductions. I do taxes cheap and free for a few poor people on the side, and you wouldn't believe how much they get back, ($3,000-$5,000+) and then I see them squander it. Some people won't even send the returns in--they would rather pay H&R Block $300+ for instant "free money." Makes me so mad and I barely get any tax refund and have to pay in sometimes.
And I could be wrong, but I could've sworn I heard a lot in the campaign that taxes would indeed be raised for those making $250,000 & up, then the number kept fluctuating downwards, depending on who said it.
Yeah, these wealthier people definitely need to pay more tax, at least during these hard times. And these companies like H&R Blcok that get to charge 300%+ "interest rate" to advance people their tax refunds should be prevented from doing that! I could never imagine ripping off some poor person like that!
Damn straight my friend. I don't want a stimulus check! I want my city, county, and state to continue plowing my roads and keeping adequate police and fire coverage.
We've already seen that we don't need even one stinkin' repug vote to pass a bill, so why bother to even listen to their bullshit? I say we relegate them to the sewer where they belong and just start passing truly progressive bills that really change our country.
I'm thinking that President Obama is setting up the Grand Obstructionist Party for a major smackdown, one that will make the last two election results look nice by comparison.
And if he's not, I'll write the White House every single day, asking why they have no balls.
I hope Bob is right, and that there's a method behind the madness. If not, I'll join him in pelting the White House with politely worded reminders that they're Democrats, for God's sake.
John sounds like he knows what he's doing. I've always heard from my CPA friends that if you don't get a big tax refund back, it means you're having the right amount taken out of your check in the first place.
Dr. MVM - I'm so with you. Enough with the trickle down. It does not work! Never did. I've had my fill of conservative myth. It's broken us.
As for the removing the Bush tax cuts thing I think the plan now is to just let them expire. I'd rather they were flat out removed but I think Obama doesn't want to bite off more than he can chew politically.
What I can't abide is the continued GOP notion that if there's not enough money to go around it's because poor people are hording it.
The Republicans knew the stimulus package would pass with or without them. They voted against it so they could be safe on all sides. If it succeeds, they'll take credit for "forcing" the changes that made the difference. If it fails they can say "look, we had nothing to do with it." It's how they roll.
The Republicans are only interested in bipartisanship when they have the majority. Well now they don't so they can suck it.
Another excellent post. How do we get Obama to read your blog?
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