Thursday, December 11, 2008

You probably heard it here first

Since it wasn't an American who won the Nobel Peace Prize most media in the USA have ignored the man who actually did win it, a diplomat from Finland. His name is Martti Ahtisaari and he's spent his whole professional life working to bring peace to the world. Sure, he's also been in a sauna or two in his day as well and he looks like a villain from the 1960's Batman TV show, but come on, the dude is deserving of the prize.

Congratulations Mr. Martti Ahtisaari for a job well done. And for being a great Finn.


Agi said...

didn't he play The Bookworm?

Barbara Bruederlin said...

Although I understand that Scarlett Johansson showed up at the after-party. WTF?

Jen said...


he uses it

Wandering Coyote said...

I love Finns and Finland.

Mnmom said...

He makes me think of an Oompa-Loompa

Ed said...

You've got to love those Finns! Or, at least, I have to, or I'd be a self-hating Finn. Dudes like Mr. Ahtisaari (can you pronounce that? I can) make one proud to be Finnish, even if we're not the most beautiful people on the planet.

Wandering Coyote said...

Ed: Oh, I don't know...There are a lot of hot Finns out there!

Mnmom said...

Not if you use Mr. Ahtisaari as an example!

Matthew Hubbard said...

I think he looks like the Underdog villain Simon Bar Sinister, but with a nicer head of hair.

Anonymous said...

He looks like Simon Bar Sinister and has a name that is practically an anagram of Matti Ass Hatti. Of course he deserves an award!