Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Who's ya Daddy?

When our Idiot in Chief speaks about the economy the market drops. When his pal Bush McCain offers his two cents on the whole mess the market tanks. When Obama offers up a sane sensible plan to help both main street and Wall Street the Dow Jones gains almost 1000 points. Boo ya. Who's ya Daddy now America?


Karen Zipdrive said...

Doncha just love it?

Jess Wundrun said...

Yesterday, Matt Lauer asked Jim Craemer if the market was tanking because of fears of an Obama presidency.

Fortunately, Craemer spanked Matt's thesis. I was wondering if Matt would ask any of today's guests if the market rebounded after the introduction of Obama's plan, but I didn't feel like watching that craptacular show anymore.

Mauigirl said...

Glad to hear Craemer didn't go for that theory.

I think the facts speak for themselves - Obama is the one who has a plan and no one else seems to know what to do - so his words have a positive effect.

D. Debil said...

Never mind that Henry Paulson stumbled into finally re-capitalizing banks instead of buying worthless mortgage-backed securities at God-only-knows-what inflated prices.

Ubermilf said...

For my retired parents' sake, I hope so.

Mnmom said...

Very fun! But the hatred expressed by the Repub crowds scares me - they didn't even hate Bill Clinton this much. They are so afraid of a powerful black man. I say it's about time. But I do fear for his safety. They killed JFK and Paul Wellstone.

Katie Schwartz said...


themom said...

Obama all the way!!! I so want Obama to throw G. Gordon Liddy in McCain's face (at the debate tomorrow) if he brings up Bill Ayers...sputter, sputter, thud!!!

Elizabeth said...

I'm holding my breath until next month.