We've spent our entire summer either getting our place ready to sell, looking for a new place, and stressing out over doing both those things. We got tossed out of our place when prospective buyers came by to see our condo and we had many people tossed out of their homes when we went to look at their houses. Finally when we agreed to sell our place to our buyers we then had to worry about finding another house to buy after one that we made an offer on had major problems with it. Thankfully we found a great place and we move in on Tuesday.
While I will never put the address of our new homes on this blog and I also will never put a photo of the outside of the house on here, I will tell you that it's a great house. If someone would have told me that we'd end up buying this house when we started out all this months ago I would have told them they were crazy but here we are with a great house in a super neighborhood. We are both excited as anything to be moving out of the condo we currently have and into the new place, in fact we got so excited that we couldn't stand it yesterday afternoon so we drove by the new house and as we drove past it we noticed that one of our new next door neighbors had an Obama '08 yard sign in their yard. Sparky and I both squealed with delight when we saw it. I'm never going to tell on this blog how much we got our new house for because I know some smart ass will leave a comment that says something like, "You couldn't buy a show box for that price where I live." But I will say this, we got a good deal on what to us is a lot of house.
In just a few days we'll be out from under the condo association, take possession of our new place, and move in. And when we become masters of our own home destiny then all this stress, all the worry, all the bull shit, all the hard work we did getting ready to sell our condo, all the hard work we did packing up our stuff
will have been worth it because we will be in the last house we'll ever buy, barring either of us winning the Powerball and or Mega Millions jackpots that is.
So that's what we're doing to help the economy, we're buying a house, paying movers, and buying some stuff to go in our new place. We're doing all we possibly can, now it's time for you slackers to do your share too.
Congrats on your new home! Yeah! In these unsettling times, it's so great to hear that things are working out for someone.
As far as what I'm doing to help the economy, I'm still running my business, giving my clients great value for their money, and coming up with creative ways to help them part with it.
Paying movers... what a concept!
Best of luck with the new digs, Doc. No throwing crap at the neighbors for at least a month now, hear?
Have fun!
Sounds like you're doing enough for the both of us, so I'll just sit back, relax, eat some cheetos, watch the debate,
It's like I could hear The Battle Hymn of the Republic playing in the background during this one.
Good luck on the new house! Have fun unpacking.
Hope the move is easy-breezy! I can assure you I am helping the global economy all the time (in my own small ways). The food and retail markets love to see me coming! And then there's the bathroom reno and the landscaping I did this year, and the roof I did last year, and the redo of the clay pipes that broke causing a small, expensive "home disaster" necessitating a new mortgage and 2 months of construction (destruction?) the year before. That was the incident that made me realize you can need a new mortgage to fix something that doesn't even look different at the end of it so, fuck it, I'm living large.
Ah, home ownership. You're gonna love it :-)
PS: Really, I love owning a house with a yard and I'm sure you will too.
I am happy for you in your new house.
And I have also noticed many more Obama signs in my heartland neighborhood, because I think people are sick and tired of the media or pundits or whoever saying, "people who live (fill in blank) are part of the republican voting block."
No, assholes. And even if our relatives were, and even if some of them voted republican before, doesn't mean we're/they're still fooled.
I'm very happy for you and Sparky. Too bad you wouldn't publish your address, I'd have sent you a welcome basket full of pickled pigs feet, baked barbecued gorilla ribs, and a side of monkey toes and string beans.
In all seriousness, I think it's great that you are moving, and I hope all goes well.
Congrats! I'm going to help the world economy by continuing to eat peanuts and buying books. Every little bit helps, right?
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