So old man McCain wants the campaign to stop so he can go help bail the country out of the problems his deregulation hath wrought. How noble of him. How very noble.
Except it's not. It's a ploy and we all know it.
He wants us to say, "Oh gosh, what a selfless old man. How kind that he's putting politics behind and working to save our country." Well, if I was dropping like a rock in the polls in every swing state then I'd want a break too. If the bump I got when I made my cynical politically calculating choice for Vice President was was wearing off and people were noticing how inexperienced, unintelligent, and downright creepy she was, then I'd want some time off too. If my campaign bungled everything it touched then I'd want take a couple of days off as well. His selflessness looks now like timidity. If the shit hits the fan, and I apologize for using the word "fan" in front of you all, is he going to take a day or two off if by some miracle he gets elected? I can hear him now, "Oh no! The Russians are being mean to me and Congress won't pass my bloated budget and my the lobbyists who ran my campaign are mad as well, it's time to suspend my Presidency so I can have a nap. And for god's sake, don't let that idiot Palin touch anything while I'm sleeping. Hey, you know when I was a POW I didn't get much sleep. That's how the Viet Cong rolled."
Holy crap. Was this old fart the best thing the Republicans had to offer? The man who was admonished by his US Senate peers in the Keating 5 scandal? The man who has always been for deregulation except for when his chances of becoming President slip? The who won't let his running mate speak to the press or campaign with out being by her side? Holy fuck, this man is not ready to be our President, he's ready for a nursing home or a shuffle board court. And that's some straight talk you can take to the bank my friends, unless your bank has gone out of business in the latest financial meltdown that is.
Vote Obama/Biden and let's get our country back on track. Enough of the libertarian conservative Republican religious right wing bullshit. They've almost ruined us once more, it's time to put some intelligent grown ups in office again. We've had enough of petulant rich white guys who shoot from the hip and make decisions on the fly.
McCain's decision to suspend his campaign may have been the final nail in his coffin.
We don't need an old fuck who cannot multitask.
Compare Obama's composure under pressure to McCain's collapse.
The choice is abundantly clear.
I suggested this on my blog late last night, but it seems to me that the job of the VP is to step in when the Prez can't. SO Barack should call McCain and say John, I've heard your proposal to reschedule our debate until October 2nd because of the economic crisis. I'm concerned about this economic crisis too. But I'm ALSO concerned about the economy in Oxford, Mississippi. [then toss out some excellent facts about the economy and the cost to Ole Miss.] So here's what I propose: we'll be happy to move the debate to October 2nd IF the vice presidential debate can be this Friday, September 26th. I don't want Oxford to be out $5.5 million. Joe's happy to step in at short notice."
Obviously this whole thing is a massive ploy to postpone tomorrow's debate and the VP debate b/c neither one of them (McSame or Palin) are ready.
The whole thing is so ridiculous. Letterman was hilarious last night (I saw a clip this morning). He can't even tell the truth about why he's cancelling his Letterman appearance.
McCain is just delaying the inevitable ASS KICKING!!
I like Merry Sunshine's idea. A LOT!
Yay for Monkey and Yay for Merry Sunshine!
Isn't it nice to know that when a crisis hits, McConJob's ready to fold at a moment's notice?
You are spot on, IMO. It's crazy what he's done. I hope it will totally backfire because political posturing irritates the crap out of me.
McCain is like France - one crisis and he surrenders within 2 seconds. Do I just say that?
The rest of the world is just gob-smacked at the looney-bin antics of the addled McCain and the "I'll get back to ya!" Palin. Wow. McCain brushes off Letterman and gets caught being powder-puffed for Katie Couric when he's supposedly winging to Washington to save CEOs' backsides, hero that he is. His left eye twitches like that of a madman. He's going to implode any minute. Bush Boy, for once, didn't smirk during his pooping-his-pants blather last night. He wants his fellow citizens to continue to bear the weight of his appalling stupidity and let the fat cats off the hook.
Meanwhile, Obama resolves to carry on. One brief, terse press conference and he's back to work.
Wow. If only the rest of the world's people could vote in this election.
Love your writing, Monkey Muck.
So... is he saying he wants to go back to being a senator and not try to be president anymore? Because that's fine with me.
Hail Mary pass.
I love it that he'll STILL have to do the photo op today; with Chimpy (unwanted association) AND Obama (unwanted comparison.)
Heh. He's going to look like a loser today, much less tomorrow.
Such a maverick, that guy!
we are the laughingstock of the world right now. whatever pride we had as a country will be gone if these two fools from the republican party get elected or steal the election.
And why is Bush acting like this "financial crisis" is a big surprise? Like, whoa...didn't see that one coming!!
I think (at least I hope)that most Americans see through this stunt! And what a calculating-as you so accurately put it-move it is. The debate will be on TV soon over here, so I am, like cj said ready for some great ass-kicking from Obama!
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