What I've learned from children is this:
- Susie has cooties.
- Jimmy is a doodyhead.
- Mrs. Weist smells funny.
- The janitor touches old Mrs. Klingman in her "special place" when he thinks no one is looking.
- John McCain will make all kids go to school on Saturdays and he's going to cancel Christmas so you better tell your mommy and daddy to vote for the tall black fellow.
- Mormons, Roman Catholics, Baptists, Presbos, Methodists, and Seventh Day Adventists are all going to hell. God and Jesus only love people who take up serpents and drink strychnine and so they will be the only ones in heaven.
- Dogs love to eat homework.
- Billy's daddy only started drinking again after his mommy had that baby who looks a lot like the Mexican guy who cleans their pool.
- No means no.
"doodyhead" is no longer in vogue. My 3yo calls his brother and anyone else who incurs his disfavor a "stonkhead". Make a note.
So funny.
I have heard that about John McCain, I am glad the children confirmed it for me. Adults cannot be trusted!
What I've learned from Art Linkletter from his Niagara Adjustable Bed commercials:
"It's the most comfortable bed I ever relaxed in."
Kim, I've also heard him say: "that bed of nails I have is the most comfortable bed I've every agonized in". What a straight talking guy HE is, eh?
Mr. McCain could learn something from him!
Well, I learned that not all "Art" is pretty and valuable.
And I'm assuming with a name like Linkletter he belongs to some sinister pro-cursive lobby.
Never stop learning, Art.
Everybody already made all the good jokes, so I'll just skulk off now.
I thought you were dead, Art.
McCain is a stonkhead. So there.
Skulking off with that cutie Enc.
Mrs. Weist has a glandular problem that makes her smell like that, so just lay off, will ya?
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