Then in another cruel twist of fate Carly spoke too much truth, she said that neither her boss Bush McCain nor his running mate Bush Palin were qualified to run her former company. This statement enraged her famously ill tempered boss and he has banished her from his campaign. Now the question is, if she's no longer on TV and radio, where's Carly? Well, have no fear gentle readers, I'm all over this. My people and I are looking for her and this is what we found:
She was not in this dumpster in Gatlinburg, TN that my associate checked out.

Ms. Fiorina was not in this line up of Bollywood dancers. And she was not hiding in the bras or panties of any of these women either. I know because I checked them all. Throughly. Several times.
Carly was nowhere to be seen when I had my Christmas card photo taken.However the guy who took that photo told me that he had seen La Fiorina at a frat house party so I ran over to see if she was still there.
Alas she was not anywhere to be seen but her date, the guy on the left told me that she got on the Girl's Gone Wild bus that had just passed through. So being the blogger I am I went and looked at some of the older Girls Gone Wild DVD's to see if she had been in any of the previous editions.
Nope. She wasn't in that one.And I suffered hysterical blindness before I could finish watching this one:
My dumpster diving associate called me and told me that she heard that Miss Carly was going to be at a College Kids for McCain rally at Giant Stadium in New Jersey so off I went.
But when I got there neither the college kids nor Miss Fiorina were anywhere to be found. It was a shame because when they finally woke him up, McCain gave a cogent speech that only had 25 flip flops in it. And the people who did attend the rally really ate his speech up. They kept saying how dreamy he was and that if they were only 20 years younger that they'd "jump his bones."
As soon as I left my cell phone rang and it was none other than Carly herself! She told me that the guilt of fucking over so many people while she was at HP and the lies she had to tell on the campaign trail finally took their toll on her and she cracked. She told me she's giving up the lie a minute sexy swingin' Republican economic hit woman lifestyle and she's going to join a cult.Her new name is going to be Moonbeam McTwatty and she'll be selling flowers, pencils, and slightly used condoms on a street corner near the White House sometime soon. If you see her don't make eye contact or she'll take it as a sign you want to know all about her new life.
You are TOO MUCH Monkerstein!
[Heh. I'm still giggling.]
Holy shit, I'm laughing my ass off.
Thanks for the warning. She looks like Suzanne Pleshette without the hair
Well done.
Wait, where's Sparky in your Christmas Card photo?!
Oh thank goodness she won't be in a position to fire anyone else.
What was she thinking, telling the truth like that? And yes, she does look like a bald Suzanne Pleshette.
I've always said that all good stories have to have the elements of sin and redemption. I'm glad she's redeemed herself.
Carly Sneed Fiorina once more demonstrates her knack for the Merde touch. How much of a golden parachute will she demand this time?
Can I make contact with her if I WANT to hear about her new life? And what if I WANT slightly-used condoms?
How precisely do you slightly use a condom? Because I see money to be saved here.
You are too clever, by half, Dr. Monkey. Are you sure you don't belong to some higher order of primate? Like maybe...Cro Mignon or Newanderthal?
Dr. Monkey,
Your dedication to finding Carly is frightening, um, I mean admirable.
Not that I don't trust you Dr M., but I think that I will take it upon myself to search those Bollywood dancers again.
Hysterical!! That guy puking out his nose caught me off guard, and water nearly came out mine!
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