Saturday, September 27, 2008

There's no debate...

...that Bush McCain was extremely disrespectful of Sen. Obama and moderator Jim Lerher last night. Lerher asked him time and again to address Obama specifically but he refused to do so. And his refusal to look at Sen. Obama showed that the old man is either afraid to face his opponent directly or he's just being a petulant childish man once again. I don't know about you but I want a President who will look our friends, allies, and others in the eye when he negotiates or deals with them.

It seemed to me that James Carville, the master of repeating talking points over and over until weak minded people start to believe them as truth, had coached Bush McCain on his debate style. McCain kept repeating his talking points over and over and he did his best to even stuff them into answers where they had no business being.

My advice to Obama is that at that next debate he stop saying that the old fart is 'right.' The old man is not right, he dangerously wrong and he gave every indication that he'll keep the bull headed 'diplomacy' we've had for the past eight years.


Dr Zibbs said...

To be totally objective, McCain made Obama look very inexperienced last night.

Joe said...

I didn't get to see the debate last night. My bride watched, and described it as a tie, with neither candidate screwing up badly enough or doing well enough to change anyone's mind about them.

Elizabeth said...

McCain played the age card so many times, I wondered if that WAS his platform.

He also repeated the phrase about Obama "not understanding" at least three times that I heard. Carville's work, obviously.

Carville can keep pumping the word "maverick" into the media as much as he likes, but anybody that toes the Republican line like McCain does is no maverick.

I agree, McCain was disrespectful. Obama kept it cool, and maintained his integrity.

Jess Wundrun said...

I really wanted to see Obama bitchslap McCain. I thought Obama took far too many on the chin.

It does show that one guy is a decent human being and the other is a creepy little troll with green teeth.

DivaJood said...

McCain was incredibly arrogant. Obama was way too nice. It made me sick.

Mnmom said...

McCain was a grumpy old man ready to blow. I kept waiting for it, but sadly he kept his cool. Obama needs to cut it with the "Mr. McCain is right" bullshit. It's servile.

MC said...

Oh, he started to pop a little bit...

Sparkleneely said...

I absolutely agree -- we noticed that right when they came out that he would NOT look Obama in the face. Obama was all class, and McCain just kept trying to remind us all, once again, and again, that he was a POW. We know!!!

I just can't wait for the VP debate. Now THAT will be some good watchin'.

Unknown said...

How is McLame going to be able to see someone's soul to know how to aptly deal with them if he can't look them directly in the eyes?? That's very very concerning!!

Next debate Obama needs to get tough. I think he only last night realized what an asshole McLame is. Maybe Obama didn't want to look like he was beating up on a weak & cranky old man.

McLame also better get a handle on the blinking-while-lying thing and shaking his head no while saying yes. He's a body language disaster!

Unknown said...

I still think Obama did better than MCLame, I was just personally disapointed that he was too nice.

libhom said...

Polling is saying that Obama won the debate.

Karen Zipdrive said...

Polling- even on Fox News- said that Obama kicked McCain's senile old ass last night.
Anyone who thinks McCain made Obama look inexperienced needs to stop drinking the GOP Koolaid and get a clue.
Obama did more for The People as a young community organizer right out of college than McCain and Palin have done for them in their combined years of civil service.

Katie Schwartz said...

I wanted Obama to kick McCain's ancient ass!

Great point re: claiming he was "right" - he should've vehemently disagreed at every chance he got.

Anonymous said...

McCain was like a petulant child who wanted to tell long stories to keep the attention on himself.

Look at me! Look at me! (and I won't look at you so you don't exist)

So did you hear the Repub talking points today on the no eye contact thing? "John McCain saw right through Obama."

That's it? That's all ya got? Bwahahahahaha! to you Marcia Blackburn. Twit.

Unknown said...

OR instead Obama could have said, "John agrees with me because..." keeping it in his court. He needs to stop agreeing with McLame.

Unknown said...

DCup: LOL!

Micgar said...

Helenwheels-yes-I think Obama did better than McPow also-not a "knockout punch" but better. Monkey-yeah I agree-Fox made hay of that "John, you're right" thing-not like they wouldn't with anything that Obama says, but he doesn't need to do that! He has his own ideas and beliefs!
Speaking of the debate analysis-I turned on Fox to see what a trip that would be...sure enough it was from another planet-it was like they were watching something else! Turned on Olberman and Maddow-even-tempered and fair-they actually watched the debate it seems!

Romius T. said...

i thought the whole debate was lame. I think I could win a debate against obama and that makes me a bit worried,.. McCain is an idiot of course but some people like that.

Obamam needs to tell people more that he is reducing their taxes, don't even mention the raise for the wealthy.