...the Boston Red Sox for making it to the post season yet again! Here's hoping you kick the Angel's asses.
...to the lovely and talented Diva Jood for giving me this award. It's an honor to be honored by my fellow bloggers, especially one so good as she.
My thanks to Portsmouth for winning this weekend! Wooot!
I won't let my husband know you said that about his beloved Cowboys.
Me? I'm all about the Vikings, the Twins, and the Cubs.
The Cubs, The Cubs.
And The Bears, The Bears!
NOOOOOOOO!!!! No, not the Redskins!
In the world of sports, aside from a Packer victory, I can think of nothing that makes me happier than seeing the Cowboys lose. Tony Romo seems to be a decent fellow, but what's a nice Wisconsin lad doing playing for the Cowboys?
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