In other business last night the attacks on Bush McCain came fast and furious and yet each attack was balanced with a positive. If a speaker attacked McCain's love of big oil then they would follow it up by a word about how the Obama energy plan calls for more sustainable energy. If they Bush McCain on the war, they they'd remind people that Obama want to bring our men and women home with dignity and honor and as soon as possible. Now, if you hear the idiots like Traitor James Carville, the man who sleeps with one of the architects of this Bush Cheney nightmare administration, say that the tone was too nice and that no one attacked McCain, then that's bullshit. The cable "news" channels refused to show anyone attacking Bush McCain because if they did then they would not have been able to show the douchebag pundits and gas bags like Carville and his horrendous radical right wing wife.
Other highlights from yesterday's festivities included:
My man Dennis "Special K" Kucinich's speech that brought the crowd to it's feet at a little after 6 PM eastern.
Yes, I still have a bit of a man crush on Dennis, he's still the only Presidential candidate who shook my hand and took a question from me. And while I'm coming clean, I have a man crush on Howard Dean as well.
Yes, I still have a bit of a man crush on Dennis, he's still the only Presidential candidate who shook my hand and took a question from me. And while I'm coming clean, I have a man crush on Howard Dean as well.
My girls Gov. Jennifer Granholm
and Gov. Kathleen Sebelius
both spoke tonight and I've got to admit that while Gov. Sebelius is easy on my eyes, she's not the most dynamic speaker in the world.
And finally the other revelation to me tonight was this guy:
He's Gov. Brian Schweitzer of Montana. This cat is the real deal, he's a dynamic speaker, he's smart, he's funny, and he's going places people. He had the crowd in the pam of his hand as he spoke about the differences between Obama and Bush McCain. One day this guy will be in the US Senate or on the Democratic party Presidential ticket.

And finally the other revelation to me tonight was this guy:

That's all I got for now, I better rest up for tonight when Joltin' Joe Biden makes his acceptance speech. I'm praying to the dark gods who spawned me that he doesn't make any verbal gaffes and that he comes out swinging against his old pal Bush McCain.
My man, Schweitzer! I am proud to say I helped vote him in when I was in Montana. Best damn governor Montana has had in a long time. I was floored when a Montanan was picked to give a prime time speech.
Hillary nailed it. To her supporters:
"Did you vote for the issues I have fought for all my life or did you vote for me?"
I caught both Schweitzer and Clinton's speeches last night and was amazed. These are the kind of speeches they are going to play over and over again for years to come. Had barely heard of Schweitzer before but found myself getting so energized! And Hillary. You go girl. I may not have been impressed by here throughout the campaign but like you, last night, she blew me away. Gracious, powerful, touching. She had it all. Now, I'm interested to see what husband Bill's got to say.
Because all the big time speeches are on late for me, I get up and watch the reruns of them on C-span the next morning. I like doing it that way because I don't hear any talking heads and can make up my own mind about how I feel about them. I have kind of had a bur up my ass toward Hillary for some time, but when I watched her speech this morning I found myself smiling. Her speech was much better than I had dreamed it would be. I loved the part that John Shuck mentions above in his comment. She put the so called Puma's in their place. That needed to be done.
Now if Bill can leave his ego behind the curtain tonight and come out swinging against McCain rather than talk about himself, I'll feel pretty good about the Clinton family.
As for Joe Biden, I hope he brings it on. He can if he's motivated and I believe he is.
OMG! Schweitzer had Bill almost shooting snot out his nose with laughter.
He was AWESOME, I only saw the last half though - worked late last night.
Ok Ok Ok, don't read my blog today! I am a half-crazed pantsuit lover. And what about Amy K? Our lovely pantsuit wearing former prosecuter got to speak again last night too! I have a mad crush on her too - and she loves her some Obama.
Amy Klobuchar is great. I am so proud of her, and so glad that one of the last things I got to do as a Minnesotan was help vote her into office. I see Cabinet position for her, some day!
Dang! I missed Schweitzer!
I missed it all because of a volleyball game, but hope to catch it on c-span today, or somewhere on the innertubes.
I don't know how the tv dramas and reality shows can compete against the months and months of real life drama that goes on in these elections. Ours only last a couple of weeks. We were robbed.
How Carville and Matalin haven't killed each other by now is beyond me.
I realize this is off topic, but somehow, it popped out. Maybe you'll indulge me.
I thought Hillary did a wonderful job. She made a lot of sense and it's clearly the best speech I've ever heard her make.
Last night I began thinking about speeches and remembered Mario Cuomo's keynote speech at the DNC in 1984. Now that was a speech!
I have to admit, Hillary fired off some pretty good lines. If only her campaign was as good as that speech, the outcome might've been a litte different.
Va-va-va-voom -- this Granholm lady is kinda hot! And Sebelius--well, we all know she's smokin' hawt™.
I haven't gotten to see any of these great speeches (no TV) but I'm excited that people are going out there and shooting straight instead of being mushy.
I'm going to spend the afternoon fantasizing that Joe Biden strolls up to the podium carrying Dick Cheney's nuts in a spittoon and says, "McFossil, you're next!"
Schweitzer was great.
More attacking McCain please.
The attacks should definitely ratchet up tonight, and I can't wait!
I can't wait to see Biden come out punching! I missed Schweitzer's speech so I'll have to find it online. Damn I didn't know it was so good! Yeah, sorry, Sebelius damn near put me to sleep.
Dennis was the BEST though. And I have a crush on him too.
I was impressed with Hillary's speech. She's one smart cookie. Too bad those weird PUMAs didn't take it to heart. Well, screw them.
Hillary knows the score, and she knows what's at stake. She pulled the spiky pine cone of defeat out of her ass and gave a fantastic speech last night. I hope Bill can do the same. If there are any PUMAs left after last night, well, fuck them. The bus to bitter town is leaving, they better get on it.
Kucinich did OK. Quite well, in fact. Hillary was awesome!
Hillary was excellent, she was perfect. The hard-core PUMAs didn't hear what she said though. They can only hear the voices in their heads now. All they heard was "keep going and never give up."
Dr Monkey, I love your sprited rants, but I wish you had not used the term "shrill harpies" to describe disappointed Clinton supporters. That kind of mysogynistic slur will certainly not "bring them in."
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