Saturday, August 2, 2008

Good news for modern monkeys

I'm pleased to report that we've accepted an offer from another couple to buy our condo.  Nothing has been signed yet but we have accepted their offer which is contingent on them selling their place.  They're buying our place for just a smidgen under what we were asking.  

Now that we have accepted their offer we're going back to look at the house that Sparky really really wants.  We're going to go over it with a fine tooth comb and then make that couple an offer which will be contingent on us selling our place to the couple who's offer we already accepted.

With a little luck all this business will be behind us soon and we'll be on our way to moving into a nice three bedroom/two bath house with a big back yard that's across town and across the street from some friends of ours.  It's a nice older ranch style home that is "move in-able" now.  The basement we can work on as we move along.  It's finished in the sense it has electricity, concrete floors, plumbing, and a fire place and as time goes on we're going to add some walls and divide it up into a laundry area, a den, and a small kitchenette.  We also plan to make a patio outside off the basement door.  Of course all this is predicated on whether or not they decide to accept our offer.  If they don't then we have some back up houses in mind.  

Anyway, I'm glad we've got our place sold as quickly as we did.


Barbara Bruederlin said...

Right on! That's great news, congrats on the conditional sale!

All digits are firmly crossed that offers are accepted and residences are sold without any issues. Cause that nice little basement suite you guys are planning to build for my visits sounds ideal.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Barb-You and your family are welcome any time, any where we end up. Or you can come by yourself if you like.

Elizabeth said...

Why, that IS good news! I'm so happy for you both, as in this economy, things tend to move at a snail's pace.

I hope your sale goes through easily, and I hope you and Sparky get the house you want.

Distributorcap said...

is this market and economy -- i am glad to hear it

zip37602 said...

Is it too early to stick an Obama sign in the new house yard?

Little Merry Sunshine said...


Mnmom said...

Congratulations!!!! That's a tough trick in this economy. You can't keep a good man down.

Wandering Coyote said...

Now I can invite myself over for a visit, right?


Missy said...

Oh fantastic! I am so glad for you!

Ed said...

Congratulations! Houses are moving very slowly in this neck of the woods, so I'm extra happy for you.

Suzy said...

What they all said. And more. But I guess that means you won't be looking at the house next door to us. Darn it!