Saturday, August 2, 2008

Tanya went to Europe and all I got was this lousy 1998 Berlitz guide book

Look what the hottest gal in Toronto sent me:

Thanks for the book my little Tanya.  


Mnmom said...

Someday I'll see London and France, but probably not your underpants.

Barbara Bruederlin said...

She sent me a book that she said she couldn't read past page 4! That's how much Tanya loves me.

Karen said...

Tanya wants me to visit Asia/India apparently :) Perhaps she got you and I mixed up Dr. M.

Tanya Espanya said...


Glad you enjoyed, darling Monkay.

BB, did you read it yet?

Karen, I didn't know you got yours. Yay, I'm glad it arrived, but I didn't see a post about it...hmmmm....

Elizabeth said...

Some "friend" she is! Why didn't she let you and Sparky stow away in her carry-on?

What? Stowing live monkeys in carry-ons is illegal?

Oh, sorry!

dguzman said...

If London is now in your pocket, is Big Ben poking you in the...

well, you know.