Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Who's reading Monkey Muck these days?

Oh, okay then.


Missy said...

Did google analytics provide that data for you? Or was it a Gallup poll?

Claire said...

I resemble this remark.

Mnmom said...

You forgot looney-tune-perimenopausal-middle-aged-women

Ed said...

How did you know I was reading your blog?

Wandering Coyote said...

That's it?

They don't seem to have a category for me.

Well, I am a bit of a pill freak, I guess...technically...

Bradda said...

Wouldn't epilectic and accident-prone be the same category? Just saying...

PJ said...

I am a bit clumsy...

Joe said...

Clearly we have a few things in common.

Keeper Of All Things said...

I sorta just wandered in here and get abused........I like it here!!! I'll be back

Blueberry said...

::: singing jingle :::
What kind of kids eat Armour Hot Dogs?

Gifted Typist said...

I'm all of the above

Elizabeth said...

Time for another round of: "what scares me is . . ."

Today, we'll be covering "Which Category Does enc Fall Into?"


Little Merry Sunshine said...

Yep . . . Yep . . . Yep . . . Yep . . . and Yep.

dguzman said...

I'm wondering why the epileptics and accident-prones get lumped in with drunks, dope addicts, and pill freaks! WTF?

Madam Z said...

You forgot monkey-loving nymphomaniacs!

Unconventional Conventionist said...


Romius T. said...

I thought we were keeping that to ourselves?