Saturday, July 19, 2008

Oh snap!

Beacause Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has backed Senator Obama's withdrawal plan he's now been placed on a terrorist watch list, axis of evil list, list of appeasers, and he's being called a real "doodyhead" and "Mr. Poopy Pants," by high sources in the Bush administration.

Upon hearing this news after he woke up from his nap, Sen. Bush McCain said that he had supported this plan all along except for the times when he did not support it. He was then reminded of the fact that he wants American troops to be stationed in Iraq for the next one hundred years. Senate Republicans leapt to McCain's defense claiming that no Iraqi has the right to tell us what is best for their country.

Seriously, someone tell McCain that Obama pwned him on this issue and that no amount of "I was a POW in Vietnam" bullshit is going to save his confused doddering old ass this time.


Katie Schwartz said...

Fuckin-A, kid.

libhom said...

If I remember correctly, Maliki is facing reelection relatively soon.

Anonymous said...

Is this the "When they stand up, we'll stand down" part of the equation that Bush always talks about?

Blueberry said...

McCain is busy planning a trip to Czechoslovakia.

Elizabeth said...

McCain has a selective memory. If he has one at all, that is.

Angry Ballerina said...

see, this is why old people need to stay the fuck out of politics.

Deepti said...

"doodyhead"...brilliant...a term I should use more often.