Saturday, July 19, 2008

My 1968 girlfriend has a note she wants to show you


Anonymous said...

V-Neck Sweater Chick is not unique in that.

and hey! tomatoes!

Katie Schwartz said...

Stunning broad! Of course she still crushes hard on the great monkeymuffin. We all do.

Freida Bee said...

Oh meow. I don't know which way to be jealous! You confuse me so, Monkeymaster.

Little Merry Sunshine said...

She's quite the hottie and quite the Cougar. It seems to me you were just a wee young-en in 1968. Congrats on scoring such a hottie as such a young lad! Your monkey-hottness must have been practically hypnotizing to her (as it is for many of us now).

Anonymous said...

You dated Fawn Liebowitz?

Blueberry said...

Very sly of you to tell her that you were a member of The Monkees. She drew a heart on the toilet stall that says "I dated a Monkey," but then spelling was not her best subject.

Elizabeth said...

She's hot! You did alright for yourself, Dr. M!

Bridget Jones said...

What enc said. She's gorgeous.

Joe said...
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Joe said...

Hubba. The only way she'd be hotter was if she was wearing glasses.

Mnmom said...

Kirby - I LOVE Fran Liebowitz!

Dearest Monkey, weren't you about 5 years old in 1968? What were you doing roaming the halls of local high schools and colleges looking for babes at that young age?

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

mnmom-I believe Kirby was making a Animal House reference. Also my dear, I didn't say she was my girlfriend in 1968, I said she's my 1968 girlfriend. The joke is that it's 2008 now and she doesn't know me from Adam.