Friday, July 18, 2008

Can his past predict our future?

  • Bush McCain has missed more Senate votes in the past year than anybody else so there's no reason to believe he won't change his lazy ways if he's elected President.
  • He's consistently made "jokes" about killing others who he dislikes, the Vietnamese and the Iranians for example, so there's no reason to believe he'll stop all the carnage his BFF Bush Jr. started.
  • He's consistently made anti female remarks, "jokes," and he has a zero rating from all women's advocacy groups so there's no reason to believe he won't do anything but perpetuate the sexism and misogyny of the current right wing religious Republican administration.
  • He's surrounded himself with advisers who failed in their chosen fields, Carly Fiorino (big business), and who have insulted decent hard working Americans who play by the crooked rules they set up, Phil Gramm ("Americans are whiners!"), so you know we can expect the same levels of incompetence that we've gotten from the current administration.

This country can't afford another four years of a lazy chief executive who is a blood thirsty, sexist, incompetent, idiot. Don't let Bush McCain's past become our future, vote Obama in '08.


dguzman said...

Why isn't this ad on nationwide TV? Someone's gotta tell the truth about this sociopathic moron.

Anonymous said...

They are betting on the mouth breathers and haters to carry them across the finish line.

If he wins, we will continue on this path of self destruction as a nation.

Anonymous said...

All of Canada (and I think I can safely speak for the entire country) has their collective fingers crossed.

Anonymous said...

Gee, he's really pissed at that macchiato.

Melinda June said...

That is one of the best McCain pictures I've seen! He looks like he's going to stamp his feet and spin himself straight to the center of the earth.

NOT that he has a temper problem.

Elizabeth said...

McCain's a dolt.