Friday, July 18, 2008

Best photo pool ever!

I found a group of my people on Flickr!
It's nice to know there are atheists and free thinkers all over the world.


Missy said...

Oh that Cthulhu! He is so cuddly!

I have always liked this one that I saw in a bathroom stall once:

Jesus saves, Moses takes the puck, he shoots, he scores!!!!

It goes along well with my theory about how going to a MN Gopher Hockey Game is just like going to Mass: you ritualistically stand up, sit down, chant and sing every week with your fellow believers.

Elizabeth said...

Ah, balm for the soul.

Anonymous said...

Oh not me. I've got way too much gristle. Cthulhu would be much happier with that person over there.

Angry Ballerina said...

With mayo.