Sunday, June 1, 2008

Spotted while shopping

I love this old board game, you know it's an antique because it has two white players on the cover and the word 'swish' displayed prominently on it, but I didn't love it enough to buy it:
I have an inordinate fondness for fake food and yet I purchased none.
I almost bought this plate with zombie Ike and Mamie on it, but since I am not a Reichpublican I hung on to my money.
However I did purchase an issue of National Geographic from 1946 and it's chock full of crazy ads and cool old photos which will be showing up here, on Flickr, and on Monkeyscan.


Missy said...

My mom has a green apple just like that. Love those grapes.

That plate is pretty tempting, just for her hairdo...or hair don't...

Mnmom said...

Is it me, or does Mamie Eisenhower look like Gracie Allen? And is Ike wearing lipstick??

Ed said...

Cool photo on your banner. Where is it? Did you take it?

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Ed-It's a photo of from a local lake. It's one of the many local lakes created by TVA in the 1940's and '50's. Yes, I took it. I'm glad you like it.

Mnmom said...

I just met a friend's Mother-in-law this weekend who lives on one of those TVA lakes.

Crayons said...

So much fun. I love the fruit piece. This is what I like about your kitsch ventures: you are a choosy seeker. I'm in a cynical mood today, angry about health care and such, but you actually made me smile with these.