Sunday, June 1, 2008

Sour Grapes

A Clinton supporter wrote this in another Clinton supporters blog comments section:

"No doubt, I will vote Republican this time around. As bad as McCain is, he's a breath of fresh air compared to Obama and the DNC."

And this same person has the gall to call herself a Democrat.


junie said...

would that these WARriors who want to continue the nomination battle enroll their children in little league sports: then perhaps they could battle out their frustrations with fellow parents on the ball field rather than further fouling the elections.

Little Merry Sunshine said...

There was a great post on The Huffington Post last week that I was going to write a post about on my own blog, but haven't yet.

This seems a good time to bring up this article.

In my humble opinion, I wouldn't get too close to McCain's "breath of fresh air." He's a wolf in sheep's clothing. You'll get bit.

Dr. Zaius said...

**koff koff**

Fran said...

To each their own, but I hate that kind of talk.

I mean - wtf?

Mnmom said...

Breath of fresh air??? Like being downwind from a garbage dump.

Jess Wundrun said...

Yes, Hillary supporters when the McCain presidency gets Roe v. Wade overturned and the entire Supreme Court is far right wing hacks, you'll be able to pat yourselves on the back about how you stood up for a woman.

Sudeaux Lux said...

A lot of them registered voters are downright scary as hell, ain't they?

Micgar said...

Monkey- Have you seen that nutty lady on Youtube Harriet Christian who goes on a rampage about the Demos giving Obama the nom? She is absolutely sickening!